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How can we women hope to see you, the object of bhakti for the omniscient, liberated sages?



I do not know you, covered by the screen of māyā, beyond the knowledge of the material senses, and unaffected, just as the puppeteer behind the screen moving the puppets is not understood by the eyes of the ignorant.


Since internally, you protected the child in the womb of Uttarā and externally you protect us by being near us, should I understand that you are all pervading? I do not know. That is expressed in this verse.


“You are covered by the curtain (javanikā) of māyā.”


“Then māyā covers me?”


“It is like the fool who thinks that the sun is covered by a cloud. I see you as covered because my vision is covered by māyā, because you are beyond sense knowledge (adhokṣajam). Sense knowledge (akṣajam jñānam) is situated below you (adhaḥ). I do not have the power to contact you, since my knowledge arises from my senses, like the knowledge of a fool. But even if despicable people like me do not know you, there is no loss for you. You remain unaffected by this. (avyayam).

“But you see me directly and praise me. You know that I am beyond prakṛti. Then why do you criticize yourself as being ignorant?”


Though the dancer is endowed with rhythms and dance steps suitable to the rasa, the ignorant spectator, ignorant of the scriptures delineating performance, sees only a dancer dancing. Though he sees, he does not really see. Similarly though I see you, I really do not see you. The word tathā (similarly) should be understood from the context. Though you protect the Pāṇḍavas, your devotees, since you are the soul within all of us constantly, you personally counteracted a weapon of Aśvatthāmā meant for killing the Pāṇḍavas. Though you promised not to use weapons, you took up a weapon. Though you protect the righteous, you had Bhīṣma and other righteous persons destroyed. Though you are most affectionate to Draupadī and Subhadrā, you let their sons be killed. I do not know the truth about your pastimes.

|| 1.8.20 ||

tathā paramahaṁsānāṁ munīnām amalātmanām |

bhakti-yoga-vidhānārthaṁ kathaṁ paśyema hi striyaḥ ||




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