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Seeing the great fire of their two weapons burning up the three worlds, all the citizens, afflicted by the heat, thought that this was the fire of final destruction.



Having praised Kṛṣṇa, Arjuna then informs Kṛṣṇa of the matter at hand.

|| 1.7.27 ||

śrī-bhagavān uvāca—

vetthedaṁ droṇa-putrasya brāhmam astraṁ pradarśitam |

naivāsau veda saṁhāraṁ prāṇa-bādha upasthite||


The Lord said:

You know that what is displayed here by Aśvatthāmā is the brahmāstra. Seeing danger to his life, he has released it, though he does not know how to withdraw it.


The word pradarśitam (shown) implies “You have seen this weapon. Do you not recognize it? Why are you asking me?” He does not know how to withdraw it (na veda saṁhāram). Then why did he use it? - to protect his own life.

|| 1.7.28 ||

na hy asyānyatamaṁ kiñcid astraṁ pratyavakarśanam |

jahy astra-teja unnaddham astra-jño hy astra-tejasā||


No other weapon can counteract this weapon. O knower of weapons! Destroy the profuse fire of this weapon with the fire of your brahmāstra.


“But the fire can be counteracted by the water weapon.” Nothing can stop this weapon (pratyavakarśanam). Since you know all about weapons, you must destroy the fire of this weapon with the fire of your brahmāstra.

|| 1.7.29 ||

sūta uvāca

śrutvā bhagavatā proktaṁ phālgunaḥ para-vīra-hā

spṛṣṭvāpas taṁ parikramya brāhmaṁ brāhmāya (brāhmāstraṁ in folio) sandadhe ||


Sūta said:

Hearing the words of the Lord, Arjuna the slayer of hostile warriors, performing ācamana, circumabulated Kṛṣṇa and aimed his brahmāstra in order to counteract Aśvatthāmā’s weapon.



Tam refers to Kṛṣna. For destroying Aśvatthāma’s weapon (brāhmāya) he aimed his weapon.

|| 1.7.30 ||

saṁhatyānyonyam ubhayos tejasī śara-saṁvṛte |

āvṛtya rodasī khaṁ ca vavṛdhāte ’rka-vahnivat ||


Surrounded by arrows, the fires of both weapons, combining together like the sun in the sky and the fire emanting from Saṅkarṣana’s mouth at the time of final destruction, increased in strength, covering heaven, earth and the space between.


The fires of the two brahmāstras, surrounded with arrows, increased, covering heaven and earth (rodasi). It was like the combination of the sun and the fire emanating from Saṅkarṣaṇa’s mouth at the time of devastation.


|| 1.7.31 ||

dṛṣṭvāstra-tejas tu tayos trīl lokān pradahan mahat |

dahyamānāḥ prajāḥ sarvāḥ sāṁvartakam amaṁsata||




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