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As I endeavored to see him in that lonely place the Lord, inexpressible by words, then spoke to me with affectionate words, which removed my grief.



Suddenly not seeing the attractive form of the Lord which destroys all lamentation, I became agitated from the sorrow of separation. I became despondent like someone who has lost a treasure.



Suddenly not seeing the Lord, I became roused. Like a man who has lost a treasure, I became despondent (durmanā).


|| 1.6.19||

didṛkṣus tad ahaṁ bhūyaḥ praṇidhāya mano hṛdi |

vīkṣamāṇo ’pi nāpaśyam avitṛpta ivāturaḥ ||



Desiring to see that form again, I fixed my mind in the heart. Though I looked intently, I did not see that form. Dissatisfied, I became like a diseased person.



Praṇidhāya means “having fixed.”


|| 1.6.20 ||

evaṁ yatantaṁ vijane mām āhāgocaro girām |

gambhīra-ślakṣṇayā vācā śucaḥ praśamayann iva ||



As I endeavored to see him in that lonely place the Lord, inexpressible by words, then spoke to me with affectionate words, which removed my grief.


The Lord is beyond the description of words (girām agocaraḥ) as stated by the śruti: yato vāco nivartante: the Lord, from whom words return without attaining him. (Taittirīya Upaniṣad 2.4.1) The Lord who cannot be approached by words spoke to me. I had an experience of his sweet sounding words by my ears. Because Nārada had bhakti arising from vaidhi-sādhana, he had realization of the sweetness of the Lord’s fragrance, beauty and speech in his present body. The complete experience with all other types of sweetness (touch, taste etc.), would be experienced in the future in his spiritual body (siddha-deha). By this (his sweet words), the Lord removed all types of lamentation and suffering which had arisen by not seeing Him. The word iva (somewhat) is used because his love in longing, caused by separation, had not been fully satisfied.  


|| 1.6.21 ||

hantāsmin janmani bhavān mā māṁ draṣṭum ihārhati |

avipakva-kaṣāyāṇāṁ durdarśo ’haṁ kuyoginām ||



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