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Vyāsa was born in the womb of Satyavatī as a portion of the Lord when the third part of Dvāpara-yuga arrived in the passing of yugas.



Sūta said:

Vyāsa was born in the womb of Satyavatī as a portion of the Lord when the third part of Dvāpara-yuga arrived in the passing of yugas.



In answer to the questions mentioned in verse 3 “in which yuga, at what place” a short account of Vyāsa’s birth and activities is now presented. According to Amara-koṣa, paryaya means a lapse. With a lapse of many yuga cycles (yuga-paryaye), in Dvāpara-yuga, when Kṛṣṇa appeared, Vyāsa was born. It will be explained that Kṛṣṇa appeared in Dvāpara-yuga of the twenty-eighth cycle of yugas in Vaivasvata-manvantara. All yugas are divided into three parts: the beginning portion (saṇdhyā-rūpa), the middle portion (yuga-rūpa) and the end portion (sandhyāṁśa-rūpa). Tṛtīye refers to the third part of Dvāpara-yuga.[19] Vyāsa was born from Satyavatī who was the daughter of Uparicara Vasu. Thus vāsavyām means “in the womb of Satyavatī.”


|| 1.4.15 ||

sa kadācit sarasvatyā upaspṛśya jalaṁ śuciḥ |

vivikta eka āsīna udite ravi-maṇḍale ||



At one time, Vyāsa, performing ācamana with water from the Sarasvatī River, being purified, sat alone in an isolated spot while the sun rose.


Upaspṛśya means “having sipped water (ācamana).” The verse is part of a sentence which ends in verse 18.


|| 1.4.16-18 ||

parāvara-jñaḥ sa ṛṣiḥ kālenāvyakta-raṁhasā |

yuga-dharma-vyatikaraṁ prāptaṁ bhuvi yuge yuge ||

bhautikānāṁ ca bhāvānāṁ śakti-hrāsaṁ ca tat-kṛtam |

aśraddadhānān niḥsattvān durmedhān hrasitāyuṣaḥ ||

durbhagāṁś ca janān vīkṣya munir divyena cakṣuṣā |

sarva-varṇāśramāṇāṁ yad dadhyau hitam amogha-dṛk||



Vyāsa, who could see the past and the future, having pure vision, observed by his spiritual eye that the dharmas for the yugas had been destroyed on the earth, yuga after yuga, by the invisible force of time; that the bodies had decreased in ability; and that the people were devoid of faith, dominated by rajas and tamas, dull-witted, short-lived, and filled with misfortunes. He began to contemplate on what would be beneficial for all the varṇas and āśramas.  



He knows the past and the future (parāvara-jñaḥ). He saw that there was destruction of the dharmas of the yugas with time (yuga-dharma-vyatikaram). There was decrease in strength of the body conditions (bhautikānām bhāvānām), caused by time (tat-kṛtam). The people were filled with rajas and tamas (niḥsattvān).


|| 1.4.19 ||

cātur-hotraṁ karma śuddhaṁ prajānāṁ vīkṣya vaidikam |

vyadadhād yajña-santatyai vedam ekaṁ catur-vidham ||



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