In which yuga, in what place, and for what reason did the sage Vyāsa write this work? Who inspired him to write this work? 

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In which yuga, in what place, and for what reason did the sage Vyāsa write this work? Who inspired him to write this work?


nāradāgamanaṁ nāma


|| 1.4.1 ||

vyāsa uvāca—

iti bruvāṇaṁ saṁstūya munīnāṁ dīrgha-satriṇām |

vṛddhaḥ kula-patiḥ sūtaṁ bahvṛcaḥ śaunako 'bravīt ||



Vyāsa said:

Among the sages gathered for the long sacrifice, Śaunaka, eldest by age, of high parentage and superior in Vedic knowledge, praising Sūta who had just spoken, began speaking.


In the Fourth chapter the excellence of the speaker and the hearer of the Bhāgavatam is declared. Also, the mercy that Vyāsa received and its previous absence are described.


Because he was the eldest by age (vrḍdhaḥ), superior by family lineage (kula-pati) and superior by knowledge acquired through studying the Veda (bahvrcaḥ), Śaunaka was chosen by the sages to ask the questions.


|| 1.4.2 ||

śaunaka uvāca—

sūta sūta mahā-bhāga vada no vadatāṁ vara |

kathāṁ bhāgavatīṁ puṇyāṁ yad āha bhagavāñ chukaḥ ||


Śaunaka said:

O Sūta! O Sūta! Fortunate soul! Best of speakers! Please tell us the pure stories related to the Lord which the glorious Śuka spoke at the assembly of Parīkṣit.


He addresses Sūta twice out of joy. Yat stands for yam.


|| 1.4.3 ||

kasmin yuge pravṛtteyaṁ sthāne vā kena hetunā |

kutaḥ sañcoditaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ kṛtavān saṁhitāṁ muniḥ ||


In which yuga, in what place, and for what reason did the sage Vyāsa write this work? Who inspired him to write this work?



Kutaḥ here is a sārva-vibhakti (applicable to all cases of nouns). The suffix taḥ indicates “from.” It means “by whom.” Kṛṣṇa refers to Vyāsa.


|| 1.4.4 ||

tasya putro mahā-yogī sama-dṛṅ nirvikalpakaḥ |

ekānta-matir unnidro gūḍho mūḍha iveyate ||



His son, a great yogī, seeing all things equally, fully realized in brahman, with mind concentrated on one goal, having dispelled ignorance, hid himself from the public and appeared to be a fool.



Śukadeva was realized in impersonal knowledge (nirvikalpakaḥ) and his attention ended in one point (ekānta-matiḥ). He had dispelled all ignorance (unnidraḥ). Nidrā is equated with ignorance as in yā niśā sarva-bhūtānāṁ tasyāṁ jāgarti saṁyamī: the man of knowledge is awake in what is night for all beings (BG 2.69). He appeared to be (iyate) a fool.


|| 1.4.5 ||

dṛṣṭvānuyāntam ṛṣim ātmajam apy anagnaṁ

devyo hriyā paridadhur na sutasya citram |

tad vīkṣya pṛcchati munau jagadus tavāsti

strī-pum-bhidā na tu sutasya vivikta-dṛṣṭeḥ ||



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