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When the gross and subtle material forms, which are impositions on the soul in ignorance, are removed by the realization of the devotees, one can realize brahman.



Superior to the gross universal form is that form which is invisible, devoid of the specific bodily parts, since it cannot be seen or heard. This is like the subtle body of the jīva, which in the instrument of rebirth for the jīva.



Just as yogīs worship the visible form of the universe as the Lord, even though it is material. Other yogīs worship a subtle form of the universe as the Lord, even though it is also material.


amunī bhagavad-rūpe mayā te hy anuvarṇite

ubhe api na gṛhṇanti māyā-sṛṣṭe vipaścitaḥ


Neither of the above forms of the Lord, as just described unto you from the material angle of vision, is accepted by the pure devotees of the Lord who know Him well. SB 2.10.35


indrādayo bāhava āhur usrāḥ karṇau diśaḥ śrotram amuṣya śabdaḥ

nāsatya-dasrau paramasya nāse ghrāṇo ’sya gandho mukham agnir iddhaḥ


His arms are the demigods headed by Indra, the ten directional sides are His ears, and physical sound is His sense of hearing. His nostrils are the two Aśvinī-kumāras, and material fragrance is His sense of smell. His mouth is the blazing fire. SB 2.1.29


vijñāna-śaktiṁ mahim āmananti sarvātmano ’ntaḥ-karaṇaṁ giritram

aśvāśvatary-uṣṭra-gajā nakhāni sarve mṛgāḥ paśavaḥ śroṇi-deśe


The principle of matter [mahat-tattva] is the consciousness of the omnipresent Lord, as asserted by the experts, and Rudradeva is His ego. The horse, mule, camel and elephant are His nails, and wild animals and all quadrupeds are situated in the belt zone of the Lord. SB 2.1.35


This is different from the gross form of the universe. It is actually invisible or subtle (avayktam) because it is devoid of specific forms (avyūḍha-guṇa-bṛṁhitam); it does not have evolved hands and feet. Why? It is not like things with form, like you, I or Indra who can be seen and heard (adṛsṭāśruta-vastutvāt). What is the proof of its existence? The subtle body is the proof. The word jīva should be understood to mean the imposition on the jīva of the subtle body.  


“The gross body of the jīva is his false designation for enjoyment in this world. Why do we need to make another false designation?” Because by this subtle body the jīva takes repeated births, involving leaving a body, entering a body and remaining in a body. This would be impossible without the subtle body.


These forms are attributed to be the Lord, but are not actually the Lord, because both the gross and subtle bodies are material and their souls are the jīvas individually and collectively. It is said: 


virāḍ hiraṇyagarbhaś ca kāraṇaṁ cety upādhayaḥ |

īśasya yantribhir hīnaṁ turīyaṁ tat pracakṣate ||


The universal form of matter, Hiraṇyagarbha (the form of the collective jīvas), as causes of the universe, are false. The state of the supreme lord is said to be devoid of such limitations.


And the Bhāgavatam says that both these forms should not be worshipped as quoted above with amuni bhagavad-rūpe. (SB 2.10.35)


|| 1.3.33 ||

yatreme sad-asad-rūpe pratiṣiddhe sva-saṁvidā |

avidyayātmani kṛte iti tad brahma-darśanam ||




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