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Oh! In this body you will not be able to see me again. But lax practitioners who still have some contamination cannot see me at all.



Oh! In this body you will not be able to see me again. But lax practitioners who still have some contamination cannot see me at all.



What did he say? Oh! (hanta) This is an address made out of affection. In this birth, having the body of a practitioner, you cannot see me. I am invisible (durdarśaḥ) to those faulty practitionersof yoga (kuyoginām) whose contaminations such as lust have not been burned up.[25] The intention here is to say “But I showed myself to you. Therefore you are not a faulty practitioner.”


|| 1.6.22 ||

sakṛd yad darśitaṁ rūpam etat kāmāya te ’nagha |

mat-kāmaḥ śanakaiḥ sādhu sarvān muñcati hṛc-chayān ||



O sinless Nārada! I showed myself once to produce a desire in you to see me. The devotee so desiring me gradually becomes freed of all material desires.



“But just show yourself once more to me!”


Seeing me only once, not many times, is enough to produce desire for me (kāmāya). By only slight increase in longing, prema will not develop to the state of youthfulness in a person having somewhat weak prema. My rule is that I show myself one time only to a person practicing in his present body (in his sādhaka-deha) who has developed prema. The infant state of prema in the sādhaka’s body matures to a youthful state in the siddha-deha by an increase of prema arising from longing in separation. That youthful prema allows the devotee to see me constantly and serve me directly. I alone, and not my devotee, know the process of fulfilling the desires of my devotee. You, who simply desire me (mat-kāmaḥ), even without having seen me, will become free from all desires for material enjoyment (hṛccayān). This statement does not actually apply to Nārada since he did not have any material desires, being at the level of prema already. But saying this, the Lord shows the nature of devotion. Additionally by saying this, the Lord increases the humility of Nārada.


|| 1.6.23 ||

sat-sevayādīrghayāpi jātā mayi dṛḍhā matiḥ |

hitvāvadyam imaṁ lokaṁ gantā maj-janatām asi ||



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