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When I sing his glories, the Lord who makes any place that he touches holy, and who is attracted to those who sing his glories, quickly appears in my heart, as if being called.



When I sing his glories, the Lord who makes any place that he touches holy, and who is attracted to those who sing his glories, quickly appears in my heart, as if being called.


Priya-śravāḥ means that Kṛṣṇa goes wherever his glories are sung, since he is attracted to that.[27] Tīrtha-pāda means that wherever the Lord goes becomes a holy place. The Lord actually is controlled by bhakti, and thus appears without being called. Therefore the verse says that he comes as if being called.  


|| 1.6.34 ||

etad dhy ātura-cittānāṁ mātrā-sparśecchayā muhuḥ |

bhava-sindhu-plavo dṛṣṭo hari-caryānuvarṇanam ||



For persons whose minds are constantly afflicted with desires for enjoyment of sense objects, I have directly experienced that singing the glories of the Lord is the boat for crossing material existence.



This verse summarizes the topic being discussed. For those whose minds are afflicted by the desire for enjoyment (sparśa) of sense objects (mātrā), which is an ocean, the boat (bhava-sindhu-plavaḥ) for crossing that ocean is praising the Lord’s activities. I have directly seen (experienced) that (dṛṣtaḥ). There is no proof necessary. Because kīrtana is the main aṅga out of many aṅgas of bhakti, it is mentioned. However the statement should mean that all aṅgas of bhakti will be effective.



|| 1.6.35 ||

yamādibhir yoga-pathaiḥ kāma-lobha-hato muhuḥ

mukunda-sevayā yadvat tathātmāddhā na śāmyati



The ātmā constantly afflicted by lust and greed will not be satisfied by aṣṭaṅga-yoga and other paths as much as by direct service to Mukunda.



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