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You must fulfill your promise to Draupadī so that she is pacified. You must also act to please Bhīma, Draupadī, me and others.



You must fulfill your promise to Draupadī so that she is pacified. You must also act to please Bhīma, Draupadī, me and others.



You made a promise to bring Drauapadī the head of Aśvatthāmā. Thus you should cut off his head. You should also please Bhīma. You should also please Draupadī who does not want him killed. You should also please me and others because they are dear to me (indicated by ca).

|| 1.7.55 ||

sūta uvāca—

arjunaḥ sahasājñāya harer hārdam athāsinā |

maṇiṁ jahāra mūrdhanyaṁ dvijasya saha-mūrdhajam ||


Sūta said:

Suddenly understanding Kṛṣṇa’s intention, Arjuna cut off the jewel on Aśvatthāmā’s head along with his hair.


Understanding Kṛṣṇa’s intention (hārdam) Arjuna then acted. “I made the promise to cut off his head. Kṛṣṇa has said that I have to fulfill that promise. He has also said I should please Draupadī. Therefore I cannot cut off his head. It is not impossible. I should fulfill both directions. Therefore somehow I must do that.” This was what he discerned. He then cut off the jewel on his head (maṇiṁ mūrdhanyam) along with his hair. The jewel is situated on his head and thus represents his head. Thus it also means “head.” Therefore cutting off his jewel is cutting off his head. But in the literal sense, his head will not be cut off. Thus Aśvatthāmā was killed and not killed.

|| 1.7.56 ||

vimucya raśanā-baddhaṁ bāla-hatyā-hata-prabham |

tejasā maṇinā hīnaṁ śibirān nirayāpayat ||


Aśvatthāmā, who had lost his effulgence by killing the children, was further deprived of his jewel and energy. Arjuna released him from the bondage of the ropes and led him from the camp.

|| 1.7.57 ||

vapanaṁ draviṇādānaṁ sthānān niryāpaṇaṁ tathā |

eṣa hi brahma-bandhūnāṁ vadho nānyo ’sti daihikaḥ ||



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