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O soul of the universe! You are unborn and perform no actions, but you take birth and perform activities in the forms of animals, men and aquatics. This is extremely deceptive.



“Who will decide the truth about you if there is a disagreement?” No one can decide. This is explained in two verses.


No one knows plan of you who desire (īhamānasya) to make the knowledge of those who speculate about scripture useless. Or no one knows the plan of you who desire to play the role of human beings as Rāma and Kṛṣṇa. Or no one knows the plan of you who desire to delude the fools by not letting them see your sweet qualities. All men have differing ideas about you (yasmin viṣamā matir nṛṇām). The sun shows attachment to the sun stone by imparting its own qualities. It shows indifference to the blind people and is helpful to the Cakravāka birds (who become joyful when the sun rises and destroys darkness). The sun is harmful to the darkness used by thieves and owls. But the sun is not partial to anyone. It manifests the same light to all. The cause of difference is the good or bad qualities of the specific object. It is the same with the Lord. Different people relate with the Lord in different ways according to their qualities.


|| 1.8.30 ||

anma karma ca viśvātmann ajasyākartur ātmanaḥ |

tiryaṅ-nṝṣiṣu yādaḥsu tad atyanta-viḍambanam ||


O soul of the universe! You are unborn and perform no actions, but you take birth and perform activities in the forms of animals, men and aquatics. This is extremely deceptive.



Understanding the conclusions about your partiality or impartiality, your action or lack of action, your birth or lack of birth, one can relish your pastimes. You are born though you are unborn, and perform actions though you are not the doer. You manifest your attractive nature in various forms of animals, humans and aquatics. This is an extreme deception (atyanta-viḍambanam) since it appears that you lessen your stature by accepting inferior forms. When you accepted the boar incarnation you sniffed out the earth. Though you are omniscient and omnipotent, you became a real boar. But seeing that form, the knowers of the truth will not laugh and say that you are simply a mortal animal, thinking that you are a jīva under the control of karma. Since you are actually without birth and material action, your pastimes with birth and action must not actually be true. But this is incompatible with the fact that the pastimes were attractive to ātmārāmas like Śukadeva. However, from the statement of the Lord himself janma karma ca me divyam evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ: he who knows the truth nature of my birth and activities (BG 4.9), the Lord’s birth and activities are factual, not a fiction. This is incompatible with the statement that the Lord has no birth and no activities. Thus who can know the truth about the Lord possessing unlimited, inconceivable powers?


|| 1.8.31 ||

gopy ādade tvayi kṛtāgasi dāma tāvad

yā te daśāśru-kalilāñjana-sambhramākṣam |

vaktraṁ ninīya bhaya-bhāvanayā sthitasya

sā māṁ vimohayati bhīr api yad bibheti ||


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