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Yudhiṣṭhira, hearing what he had said, then asked Bhīṣma, lying on a bed of arrows, about various dharmas while the sages were listening.



O king! See his mercy to his dedicated devotees! By that mercy he has come before me directly when I am about to leave my body.



Tathāpi here means “though it is not possible for me to be like you.” “Still see his mercy to me, by which that form of brahman which is filled with bliss has come near such a low person like me. This is another of his anubhāvas, for it is actually to show mercy to you that he comes to me.”


|| 1.9.23-24 ||

bhaktyāveśya mano yasmin vācā yan-nāma kīrtayan |

tyajan kalevaraṁ yogī mucyate kāma-karmabhiḥ[34] ||

sa deva-devo bhagavān pratīkṣatāṁ

kalevaraṁ yāvad idaṁ hinomy aham |


mukhāmbujo dhyāna-pathaś catur-bhujaḥ ||


The devotee whose mind is absorbed in Kṛṣṇa, whose voice chants his name, becomes freed from all karmas on giving up the material body. May that Kṛṣṇa, lord of lords, with glowing lotus face, red eyes and pleasing smile, with four arms, the object of my meditation, remain before me while I drink his beauty and praise him, before giving up this body.


May he remain here (pratīkṣatām) until I, after some time, after drinking the sweetness of his beauty with my eyes, after I praise him and reveal what is in my mind, give up my body. May he with four arms, who should at all times be the object of my meditation, since he is my object of worship, with his pleasing form and smile, remain directly in front of my eyes at the time of my passing from the body.


Bhīṣma addressed him as a form with four arms because that was the form of Kṛṣṇa mentioned in the mantra he used during meditation.

|| 1.9.25 ||

sūta uvāca—

yudhiṣṭhiras tad ākarṇya śayānaṁ śara-pañjare |

apṛcchad vividhān dharmān ṛṣīṇāṁ cānuśṛṇvatām ||



Sūta said:



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