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I offer respects to you, with lotus navel, wearing a lotus garland, having lotus eyes, and lotus feet.



I offer respects to you, with lotus navel, wearing a lotus garland, having lotus eyes, and lotus feet.



I am also counted among the fortunate, for you give happiness to my eyes. My eyes, receiving the sight of your navel, garland, eyes and feet, become pleasantly cool.


|| 1.8.23 ||

yathā hṛṣīkeśa khalena devakī

kaṁsena ruddhāticiraṁ śucārpitā |

vimocitāhaṁ ca sahātmajā vibho

tvayaiva nāthena muhur vipad-gaṇāt ||



O master of the senses! O Lord! Just as you protected Devakī imprisoned by evil Kaṁsa one time, you, my master, released me along with my sons repeatedly from even greater dangers, since I was afflicted with great suffering.



You protected me when I was helpless as if I were your mother.


O Hṛṣīkeśa, master of the senses! You alone know my heart since you are master of the senses. I was rescued from danger along with my sons. You showed special mercy to me (since you did not protect her (Devakī’s) other children). What was the reason? I was more afflicted with suffering by my karmas (śucārpitā). I was suffering even more than Devakī. I was saved by you, my master (nāthena). She had a husband (nātha), Vasudeva and thus had the possibility of having more children. And since you were the crest jewel among all children, what need was there for her previous inferior children who were not saved? Moreover, I was again and again saved from a host of dangers, whereas she was saved from one little danger caused by Kaṁsa. She had not even a trace of danger since she was happy with repeated expectations that the Supreme Lord would be born from her womb. And after you were born, she had no danger at all. I was in all ways wretched. You were merciful to me because you are the friend of the most fallen. I was not like fortunate Devakī who had prema for you.  


|| 1.8.24 ||

viṣān mahāgneḥ puruṣāda-darśanād

asat-sabhāyā vana-vāsa-kṛcchrataḥ |

mṛdhe mṛdhe ’neka-mahārathāstrato

drauṇy-astrataś cāsma hare ’bhirakṣitāḥ ||



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