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Sipping water and concentrating his mind, he released the weapon without knowing how to withdraw it, because his life was in danger.



O gracious woman! I will remove your sorrows when I bring the head of that lowest brāhmaṇa murderer using arrows released from my Gāṇḍiva bow and when you sit upon it, and bathe yourself after burning the bodies of your sons.



Śucaḥ means sorrows. I will remove your sorrows when (yat) I present to you using the arrows released from my bow the head of the lowest of brāhmaṇas (brahma-bandhoh), the agressor who had a weapon in his hand (ātatāyinaḥ). Accordindg to the smṛti scriptures there are six aggressors:


agnido garadaś caiva śastra-pāṇir dhanāpahaḥ |

kṣetra-dārāpahārī ca ṣaḍ ete ātatāyina ||


There are six aggressors: the arsonsit, poisoner, holder of weapons, the stealer of wealth, the stealer of property, and the stealer of others’ wives. Vasiṣṭha Smṛti 3.19

|| 1.7.17 ||

iti priyāṁ valgu-vicitra-jalpaiḥ |

sa sāntvayitvācyuta-mitra-sūtaḥ ||

anvādravad daṁśita ugra-dhanvā |

kapi-dhvajo guru-putraṁ rathena ||


Thus pacifying her with many sweet words, Arjuna, whose friend and charioteer was Kṛṣṇa, holding his terrifying bow, with Hanumān on his flag, put on his armor and pursued Aśvatthāmā on his chariot.



Acyuta-mitra-sūtaḥ means who had Kṛṣṇa as his friend and charioteer. Daṁśitaḥ means “putting on armor.”


|| 1.7.18 ||

tam āpatantaṁ sa vilakṣya dūrāt kumāra-hodvigna-manā rathena |

parādravat prāṇa-parīpsur urvyāṁ yāvad-gamaṁ rudra-bhayād yathā kaḥ ||


Seeing Arjuna pursuing on his chariot from far off, the killer of children became disturbed in mind. Desiring to save his life, he fled as fast as he could over the ground, just as Brahmā fled out of fear of Śiva.



When Brahmā (kaḥ) became desirous of his daughter, taking the form of a deer, he fled in fear from Śiva. In the same manner Aśvatthāmā fled from Arjuna. In another version the word arka (sun) is used instead of kaḥ. This is a story from the Vāmana Purāṇa. A demon named Vidyunmālī, a follower of Śiva, pursued the sun on a golden chariot given by Śiva. Due to the effulgence from the chariot, night disappeared. The sun became angry and melted the chariot with his heat and made it fall from the sky. Śiva appeared and the sun fled in fear. The sun fell down at Vārāṇasī, and became known as Lolārka (unsteady sun).

|| 1.7.19 ||

yadāśaraṇam ātmānam aikṣata śrānta-vājinam |

astraṁ brahma-śiro mene ātma-trāṇaṁ dvijātmajaḥ ||


When he understood he had no one to protect him and his horses were exhausted, the son of a brāhmaṇa considered using the brahmāstra to protect himself.



He saw that he had no protector (aśaraṇam). He considered that the brahmāstra would be a method of protecting himself (ātma-trāṇam). The word dvijātmajaḥ (son of a brāhmaṇa) indicates that he was short-sighted.


|| 1.7.20 ||

athopaspṛśya salilaṁ sandadhe tat samāhitaḥ |

ajānann api saṁhāraṁ prāṇa-kṛcchra upasthite ||



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