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The method of killing the fallen brāhmaṇa is by shaving his head, taking away his wealth, and taking away his living place. One should not physically kill him.


The method of killing the fallen brāhmaṇa is by shaving his head, taking away his wealth, and taking away his living place. One should not physically kill him.


One should execute dharma according to the scriptures as the verse indicates.

|| 1.7.58 ||

putra-śokāturāḥ sarve pāṇḍavāḥ saha kṛṣṇayā |

svānāṁ mṛtānāṁ yat kṛtyaṁ cakrur nirharaṇādikam ||


Then all the Pāṇdāvas and Draupadī, lamenting for their sons, performed the death rites for their dead relatives and carried them for burning.


Nirharaṇa means “going for burning.”



kuntī-stuti-yudhiṣṭhirānutāpo nāma


|| 1.8.1 ||


sūta uvāca

atha te samparetānāṁ svānām udakam icchatām |

dātuṁ sakṛṣṇā gaṅgāyāṁ puraskṛtya yayuḥ striyaḥ ||


Sūta said:

Then the Pāṇḍavas along with Kṛṣṇa, putting the women in front, went to the Gaṅgā to give water to the departed relatives who desired it.



In the Eight Chapter Kṛṣṇa protects Parīkṣit from the brahmāstra when he is in the womb, Kuntī offers prayers to Kṛṣṇa and Yudhiṣṭhira laments.


There is a rule that the women should go in front during the funeral rites.


|| 1.8.2 ||


te ninīyodakaṁ sarve vilapya ca bhṛśaṁ punaḥ |

āplutā hari-pādābja-rajaḥ-pūta-sarij-jale ||



Offering water to the departed and lamenting intensely, everyone again took bath in the water purified by the dust from the lotus feet of the Lord.



Ninīya means “having given.”


|| 1.8.3-4 ||

tatrāsīnaṁ kuru-patiṁ dhṛtarāṣṭraṁ sahānujam |

gāndhārīṁ putra-śokārtāṁ pṛthāṁ kṛṣṇāṁ ca mādhavaḥ ||

sāntvayām āsa munibhir hata-bandhūñ śucārpitān |

bhūteṣu kālasya gatiṁ darśayan na pratikriyām ||



Kṛṣṇa along with the sages then consoled Yudhiṣṭhira and his brothers, Dhṛtarāṣtṛa, Gāndhaṛī, Kuntī and Draupadī, lamenting the loss of their sons, all of whom were overcome with grief by the death of their relatives, who were all seated there, by showing the relentless movement of time upon all entities.



Kuru-patim refers to Yudhiṣṭhira. Sahānujam refers to Bhīma and his brothers. Kṛṣṇa consoled them along with the sages.


|| 1.8.5-6 ||

ādhayitvājāta-śatroḥ svaṁ rājyaṁ kitavair hṛtam |

ghātayitvāsato rājñaḥ kaca-sparśa-kṣatāyuṣaḥ ||

yājayitvāśvamedhais taṁ tribhir uttama-kalpakaiḥ |

tad-yaśaḥ pāvanaṁ dikṣu śata-manyor ivātanot ||



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