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Eyes burning with anger, Arjuna quickly caught cruel Aśvatthāmā, and tied him up with rope like a beast.



Tayoḥ refers to Aśvatthāmā and Arjuna. Sāṁvartakam is the fire of final destruction.


|| 1.7.32 ||

prajopadravam ālakṣya loka-vyatikaraṁ ca tam |

mataṁ ca vāsudevasya sañjahārārjuno dvayam ||


Seeing the danger to the inhabitants of the universe and the destruction of the planets, and understanding the will of Kṛṣṇa, Arjuna withdrew the two weapons.



Loka means of the earth and other planets. Vyatikaram means destruction.

|| 1.7.33 ||

tata āsādya tarasā dāruṇaṁ gautamī-sutam |

babandhāmarṣa-tāmrākṣaḥ paśuṁ raśanayā yathā ||


Eyes burning with anger, Arjuna quickly caught cruel Aśvatthāmā, and tied him up with rope like a beast.



Aśvatthāmā was the son of Kṛpī, who came from the Gautama gotra. Thus she is called gautamī.

|| 1.7.34 ||

śibirāya ninīṣantaṁ rajjvā baddhvā ripuṁ balāt |

prāhārjunaṁ prakupito bhagavān ambujekṣaṇaḥ ||


Seeing that Arjuna, who having forcibly bound him with ropes, wanted to bring him back to the camp, lotus-eyed Kṛṣna became angry and spoke to Arjuna.



Kṛṣna speaks strongly in five verses to Arjuna, who was filled with lamenation and anger, to show the world Arjuna’s standard of justice. Though Kṛṣna was angry, he is still described as lotus-eyed. Thus his anger was only external.

|| 1.7.35 ||

mainaṁ pārthārhasi trātuṁ brahma-bandhum imaṁ jahi |

yo ’sāv anāgasaḥ suptān avadhīn niśi bālakān ||


Arjuna! You should not release this friend of a brāhmaṇa who murdered innocent, sleeping children in the night. Kill him!

|| 1.7.36 ||

mattaṁ pramattam unmattaṁ suptaṁ bālaṁ striyaṁ jaḍam |

prapannaṁ virathaṁ bhītaṁ na ripuṁ hanti dharma-vit ||



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