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Oh Sūta! When Nārada departed, what did the powerful Vyāsa do, having heard the advice of Nārada?


drauṇi-daṇḍo nāma

|| 1.7.1 ||

śaunaka uvāca

nirgate nārade sūta bhagavān bādarāyaṇaḥ |

śrutavāṁs tad-abhipretaṁ tataḥ kim akarod vibhuḥ ||



Śaunaka said:

Oh Sūta! When Nārada departed, what did the powerful Vyāsa do, having heard the advice of Nārada?


In the seventh chapter Vyāsa sees the meaning of all scriptures while in trance. The withdrawal of the brahmāstra and the punishment of Aśvatthāmā are also told.


|| 1.7.2 ||


sūta uvāca

brahma-nadyāṁ sarasvatyām āśramaḥ paścime taṭe |

śamyāprāsa iti prokta ṛṣīṇāṁ satra-vardhanaḥ ||



Sūta said:

There is a hermitage for sages called Śamyāprāsa, favorable for many sacrifices,

situated on the west bank of the Sarasvatī River where brāhmaṇas take shelter.


Brahma-nadyām can mean river of the Vedas, of the brāhmaṇas, of austerity, of the Lord. Amara-koṣa says vedas tattvaṁ tapo brahma brahmā vipraḥ prajāpatir: the word brahma can mean Veda, truth, austerity, the brahman, Lord Brahmā, a brāhmaṇa, and a progenitor.


|| 1.7.3 ||

tasmin sva āśrame vyāso badarī-ṣaṇḍa-maṇḍite |

āsīno ’pa upaspṛśya praṇidadhyau manaḥ svayam ||



In his hermitage surrounded by a grove of badari trees Vyāsa sat down, performed ācamana, and began to reflect using his mind.



Nārada had instructed Vyāsa to remember the pastimes of the Lord continually in samādhi (SB 1.5.13). Thus he sat and concentrated using his mind.


|| 1.7.4 ||

bhakti-yogena manasi samyak praṇihite ’male |

apaśyat puruṣaṁ pūrṇaṁ māyāṁ ca tad-apāśrayam ||


In that mind which was undisturbed because it was pure from the performance of bhakti, he saw Lord Kṛṣṇa, complete with all his energies and spiritual expansions, and also saw māyā who took shelter behind the Lord.



Praṇihite means “without movement.” The cause was that the mind was purified by bhakti (bhakti-yogena amale). He saw the perfect form of the puruṣa. This means Kṛṣṇa, because it will later be said kṛṣṇe parama-puruṣe (SB 1.7.7). Instead of pūrṇam, pūrvam is also seen. Pūrvam means “I alone existed in the beginning.”
This confirms the Lord as the supreme person as mentioned in Vedic texts. The word pūrṇam indicates the cit-śakti arising from his svarūpa and all his aṁśas and kalās. Thus Vyāsa saw the brahman in its full form. If a person says that he saw the full moon it means that a person saw the moon’s fullness with all phases of the moon. But he did not see the external energy māyā which has opposite qualities. Thus māyā is mentioned separately with the words māyāṁ ca. This energy took shelter behind (apāśrayam) the Lord, since this is described later with the following:


vilajjamānayā yasya sthātum īkṣā-pathe ’muyā

vimohitā vikatthante mamāham iti durdhiyaḥ


The illusory energy of the Lord cannot take precedence, being ashamed of her position, but those who are bewildered by her always talk nonsense, being absorbed in thoughts of “It is I” and “It is mine.” SB 2.5.13

|| 1.7.5 ||


yayā sammohito jīva ātmānaṁ tri-guṇātmakam |

paro ’pi manute ’narthaṁ tat-kṛtaṁ cābhipadyate||


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