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Do not make Kṛpī, the mother of Aśvatthāmā and devoted to her husband, cry as I cry constantly with tearful face, pained by the death of my sons.



O knower of dharma! Man of good character! You should not cause suffering to the family of your guru, because they are always praiseworthy and worthy of worship.



The relatives of your guru (gauravam kulam) should not attain suffering by you, because they are to be worshipped.

|| 1.7.47 ||

mā rodīd asya jananī gautamī pati-devatā

yathāhaṁ mṛta-vatsārtā rodimy aśru-mukhī muhuḥ


Do not make Kṛpī, the mother of Aśvatthāmā and devoted to her husband, cry as I cry constantly with tearful face, pained by the death of my sons.



Mā rodīt should be mā roditu “let her not cry.”

|| 1.7.48 ||

yaiḥ kopitaṁ brahma-kulaṁ rājanyair ajitātmabhiḥ |

tat kulaṁ pradahaty āśu sānubandhaṁ śucārpitam ||



Angered by the uncontrolled warriors, the brāhmaṇas will quickly destroy the warrior class and their associates who then will become full of lamentation.


Sānubandham means “with their associates.” Śucārptiam means “spread with lamentation (śucā).” The brāhmaṇas will destroy the kṣatriya families.

|| 1.7.49 ||

sūta uvāca—

dharmyaṁ nyāyyaṁ sa-karuṇaṁ nirvyalīkaṁ samaṁ mahat |

rājā dharma-suto rājñyāḥ pratyanandad vaco dvijāḥ ||


Sūta said:

O brāhmaṇas! Yudhiṣṭhira, son of Dharma, agreed with the words of his queen, which were according to scripture, reasonable, merciful, without desire to harm others, desirous of peace and generous.


The good quality of her words is seen in the previous six verses. Her words were faithful to dharma: release him because the brāhmāna is always our guru. (SB 1.7.43) Her words were filled with correctness: his father taught you the military arts. (SB 1.7.44) Her words were full of mercy: the wife is half the husband. (SB 1.7.45) Her words expressed unwillingness to cause pain to others: do not cause suffering to the family of your guru. (SB 1.7.46) Her words expressed sense of calmness, allaying suffering: do not let her cry like me. (SB 1.7.47) Her harsh words express generosity, desiring to benefit the hearer: the anrgy brāhmaṇas will destroy the kṣatriyas. (SB 1.7.48)

|| 1.7.50 ||

nakulaḥ sahadevaś ca yuyudhāno dhanañjayaḥ |

bhagavān devakī-putro ye cānye yāś ca yoṣitaḥ ||


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