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In that desolate forest, sitting at the base of a pippala tree, I concentrated by my intelligence on Paramātmā situated within my mind, as I had been taught.


In that desolate forest, sitting at the base of a pippala tree, I concentrated by my intelligence on Paramātmā situated within my mind, as I had been taught.


Sitting (āśritaḥ) at the base of an aśvattha tree (pippalopasthe), in the manner I had heard from the mendicants (yathā śrutam) not surpassing the meditation using the mantra given, using my intelligence (ātmanā), I contemplated the paramātmā (ātmānam) who was situated in my mind, and who resided there permanently because I had developed prema.

|| 1.6.16 ||

dhyāyataś caraṇāmbhojaṁ bhāva-nirjita-cetasā |

autkaṇṭhyāśru-kalākṣasya hṛdy āsīn me śanair hariḥ ||



As I meditated on the lotus feet of the Lord with a mind conquered by prema, with tears in my eyes from longing, step by step the Lord made his appearance in my mind.



As I meditated in the mind (hṛdi) with the mind (cetasā) conquered by prema (bhāva-nirjita), the Lord step by step made his appearance before me (āsīt). Or śanaiḥ (gradually) can mean that first he appeared in the heart, and then he appeared in the three functions of the mind—nose, ear and eye, so that I could experience the fragrance of his body, the sound of his ankle bells and the beauty of his face. What happened to me? I had tears in my eyes because of longing.


|| 1.6.17 ||

premātibhara-nirbhinna- pulakāṅgo ’tinirvṛtaḥ |

ānanda-samplave līno nāpaśyam ubhayaṁ mune ||



My limbs covered in distinct goose bumps out of excessive prema, filled with delight, I fainted out of bliss, and could not see myself or the Lord.  



His limbs were covered with distinct goose bumps because of the excessive prema. This indicates that all his limbs developed the symptoms of prema at that time. The phrase can also mean that he was covered with goose bumps erupting so much that the prema was difficult to bear. He then fainted out of bliss (ānanda-samplave līnaḥ). I did not see myself or the Lord (ubhayam).


|| 1.6.18 ||

rūpaṁ bhagavato yat tan manaḥ-kāntaṁ śucāpaham |

apaśyan sahasottasthe[24] vaiklavyād durmanā iva ||



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