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At that time their mother hearing of the terrible death of her youthful sons, pained, eyes full of tears, began to lament. Arjuna spoke to pacify her.



A story is now told in order to show how Parīkṣit, even in the womb, was able to see Kṛṣṇa. When Aśvatthāmā (drauṇiḥ) beheaded the sons of Draupadi, the mother began to weep. The sentence extends for three verses. Kaurava refers to Duryodhana’s party. Sṛñjaya refers to the Pāṇḍavas’ party since Dhrṣtādyumna of the Sṛñjaya family was their general. Vīra-gatim means liberation or svarga by the method described by Bhīṣma. Vṛkodarāviddha-gadābhimarśa means by the blow inflicted by the club thrown by Bhīma.

|| 1.7.14 ||

bhartuḥ priyaṁ drauṇir iti sma paśyan kṛṣṇā-sutānāṁ svapatāṁ śirāṁsi |

upāharad vipriyam eva tasya jugupsitaṁ karma vigarhayanti ||


When Aśvattāmā, thinking that Duryodhana would be pleased, presented him with the severed heads of the sleeping sons of Draupadī, everyone condemned the horrible act, even Duryodhana;



Thinking that Duryodhana would be pleased (priyam) he presented the heads of the sleeping sons of the Pāṇḍavas to him. Actually Duryodhana was not pleased with this action (vipriyam). After feeling joy that his enemies had been killed, he began to lament since he understood that his enemies such as Bhīma had not beeen killed on seeing the gift, that children had been killed, and that the Kuru dynasty had been destroyed. Thus he died with both joy and sorrow. Therefore here it said “All people condemned this horrible act.”

|| 1.7.15 ||

mātā śiśūnāṁ nidhanaṁ sutānāṁ niśamya ghoraṁ paritapyamānā |

tadārudad bāṣpa-kalākulākṣī tāṁ sāntvayann āha kirīṭamālī ||


At that time their mother hearing of the terrible death of her youthful sons, pained, eyes full of tears, began to lament. Arjuna spoke to pacify her.



Arjuna is called kirīṭamalī because he accepted many crowns, or because he had a garland in his crown.  

|| 1.7.16 ||

tadā śucas te pramṛjāmi bhadre yad brahma-bandhoḥ śira ātatāyinaḥ |

gāṇḍīva-muktair viśikhair upāhare tvākramya yat snāsyasi dagdha-putrā ||


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