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No one knows the intentions of the Lord who desires to hide himself in human form, who does not show favor or hatred to anyone, and about whom all men have different opinions.



I offer my respects to he whose treasure is unalloyed devotees, who is devoid of material interest, who is disinterested in those who are not devotees, who forgives his devotees, and helps the devotee desiring liberation.



Those who do not have anything materially speaking (akiñcana), but possess only you who have a body of complete knowledge and bliss are alone your unalloyed devotees. They are the abodes of prema, and are thus like treasures, who should be hidden from everyone. I offer respects to you who possess these treasures of the akiñcanas (akiñcana-vittāya). But akiñcanas are poor. That is true. The devotees of the Lord do not have the wealth arising from the guṇas of māyā (nivṛtta). They have the Lord who is devoid of all material enjoyment (nivṛtta-guṇa-vṛttaye). The Lord’s attachment to the akiñcana-bhaktas was described. Now, his detachment from others is shown (ātmārāmāya). If the devotee makes offense to the Lord, the Lord does not become angry. He remains peaceful (śāntāya), showing mercy to his devotee. He also assists those devotees interested in liberation (kaivalya-pataye).


|| 1.8.28 ||

manye tvāṁ kālam īśānam anādi-nidhanaṁ vibhum |

samaṁ carantaṁ sarvatra bhūtānāṁ yan mithaḥ kaliḥ ||



I consider you to be destroyer of the offenders, the controller, without beginning or end, the most powerful, equal to all, moving everywhere in all living beings, and the abode of conflicting qualities.  



This verse describes the Lord’s destruction (kālam) of those who offend his devotees. You are not unjust (samam) because you show attachment to the devotee, indifference to matter, assistance to some and destruction to others. Yad mithaḥ kaliḥ means “in whom there is conflict because the Lord gives suffering and bliss, he is equal and prejudiced, is unmerciful and merciful.”


|| 1.8.29 ||

na veda kaścid bhagavaṁś cikīrṣitaṁ tavehamānasya nṛṇāṁ viḍambanam |

na yasya kaścid dayito ’sti karhicid dveṣyaś ca yasmin viṣamā matir nṛṇām ||




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