Содержание книги

  1. Національний технічний університет україни
  2. The National technical University of Ukraine
  3. Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once.
  4. Listen to the text and answer the following questions.
  5. These tasks can help you to practise The Present Simple Tense (See Appendix 1 p. 214 – 217) and do the following exercises.
  6. Economy and industry of Ukraine
  7. Pre-listening: match the English words / combinations with their Ukrainian equivalents.
  8. Listen to a business news report about the gas industry. While listening complete these sentences with the words from the frame.
  9. recover losses                   - worker              - numerical control
  10. Translate the following sentences into English.
  11. Group the following words into three columns: nouns, adjective and verbs. Some of them fit into more than one column.
  12. Listen to the text and answer the following questions.
  13. type                        - hard disk                                      - folders
  14. Write questions in the Present Perfect Tense.
  15. Match the first part of the sentence (1-7) with the second one (A-G).
  16. Listen again and answer the questions.
  17. These tasks can help you to practise The Past Simple Tense (See Appendix 1 p. 214 – 218) and do the following exercises.
  18. Write these sentences into the Present Simple negative form.
  19. Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once.
  20. Pre-listening. Match the English words on the left to their Ukrainian equivalents on the right.
  21. Some of the following sentences contain mistakes. Find the mistakes and correct them.
  22. Look at the pictures which show the problems of the environment and match the suggestions with their problems.
  23. Pre-listening: match the words on the left to the words on the right.
  24. Listen to three people taking part in a survey about recycling. Mark statements as Yes (Ö) or No (c).
  25. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
  26. What is force? Give examples of forces acting on people and objects around us.
  27. Match the first part of the sentence (1-7) with the second one (A-G).
  28. Think of examples of natural materials that can change shape or colour, or repair themselves. Discuss with your partner what forces are used in these processes.
  29. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple Tense, the Present Simple Tense, the Present Continuous Tense or the correct form of be going to.
  30. What do you know about the forces of gravity, friction and magnetism? How do they influence our lives?
  31. Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once.
  32. Pre-listening: match the English words and phrases in the left column with their Ukrainian equivalents in the right column.
  33. force of gravity       - magnetism                       - north/south pole
  34. In pairs, discuss what is meant by “simple machines”. Are they still in use today? If yes, give some examples.
  35. Match the first part of the sentence (1-7) with the second one (A-G).
  36. Pre-listening: match the English words and phrases in the left column with their Ukrainian equivalents in the right column.
  37. to improve production processes            - equipment
  38. Fill in the gaps with the proper item.
  39. In pairs, discuss what is meant by “complex machines”. Give examples of such machines.
  40. Match the first part of the sentence (1-7) with the second one (A-G).
  41. These tasks can help you to practise grammar topic “The Modals: Permission - Obligation” (See Appendix 1 p. 230 – 234) and do the following exercises.
  42. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn't and the words in brackets.
  43. Name as many metals as you can? Where are they used?
  44. Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once.
  45. Do you agree with the following proverbs? Discuss them with your classmates.
  46. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple Passive.
  47. Look at the objects in the pictures. What materials do you think they are made of and why?
  48. Match each word from the text with its synonym.
  49. Listen to the text and complete the sentences.
  50. design and construction               - dimensions of the object

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Economy and industry of Ukraine




1. Match the picture to the branch of industry.

1) chemical industry, 2) metallurgical industry, 3) machine building,    4) mining industry, 5) aircraft industry, 6) food industry



2. Work in pairs to discuss the following questions.

1. What natural resources are there in the region you come from?

2. What branches of industry and agriculture are best developed in it?





3. Read the text and decide whether the statements that follow are true or false.

Economy and Industry of Ukraine

Ukraine is an industrial and agricultural country. Most of the gross national product comes from metallurgy, chemical industry, machine building and food industry.

Ukraine has extremely rich mineral resources in high concentrations and close to each other. Rich iron ore reserves located near Kryvy Rih, Kremenchuk, Bilozerka, Mariupol, and Kerch form the basis of Ukraine's large iron and steel industry. One of the richest areas of manganese-bearing ores in the world is located near Nikopol. Bituminous and anthracite coal used for coke are mined in the Donetsk Coal Basin (commonly called Donbas). Energy for thermal power stations is obtained using the large reserves of brown coal in the Dnipro basin (north of Kryvy Rih) and the bituminous coal deposits of the Lviv-Volhynian Basin north of Lviv. The three major natural-gas and petroleum producing areas in Ukraine are the Sub Carpathian region, the Dnipro-Donets region and the Crimean region.

Ukraine is an industrial country. The industrial heartland of the country is the Donetsk Coal Basin. It is the most densely populated and highly industrialized region of the country and one of the world's major metallurgical and heavy industry complexes. The basin has large iron and steelworks, and plants that produce mining equipment, other types of heavy machinery and a variety of chemicals.

Ukraine has a developed ferrous-metals industry, and it is one of major steel producers in the world. Another important branch of the economy is mining. Its main products are coal, natural gas and iron ore. The most prominent manufactured goods include metallurgical equipment, diesel locomotives, tractors and TV sets. Ukraine also has well-developed chemical and food industries.

The chernozem (black) soils of the forest-steppe zone are among the world's most productive farmlands and they are exceptionally good for wheat and sugar beet. Besides wheat, Ukraine produces such grains as barley (mostly for animal feed), buckwheat and rice. Other crops include potatoes, vegetables, melons, berries, fruit, nuts and grapes. Ukraine's most important industrial crop, sugar beet, is concentrated in the forest-steppe zone.

Cattle and pigs are raised throughout Ukraine, while chicken, goose and turkey are kept for meat and egg production. Bees are kept in all parts of Ukraine for honey and wax.

1. Rich iron ore reserves located near Kryvy Rih, Kremenchuk, Bilozerka, Mariupol, and Kerch form the basis of Ukraine's large iron industry.

2. The most prominent manufactured goods include food equipment, diesel locomotives, tractors and TV sets.

3. Besides wheat, Ukraine produces many grains such as barley (mostly for animal feed), buckwheat and rice.

4. Ukraine has a developed ferrous-metals industry, and it is one of major steel producers on the planet.

5. The chernozem soils of the forest-steppe zone are among the world's most productive farmlands and they are exceptionally good for potatoes.

6. Cattle and pigs are raised throughout the country, while chicken, goose and turkey are kept for meat and egg production.

7. Most of the gross national product comes from metallurgy, chemical industry, machine building and light industry.


















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