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bhavantv adhvaryavaś cānye


bhavantv adhvaryavaś cānye

basta-śmaśrur bhṛgur bhavet

Let the priests and others have arms by using the arms of the Aśvinis and hands of Pūṣā. Let Bhṛgu have the moustache of a goat.

Those priests who favored Dakṣa, raising their arms and shouting, had their arms broken. Let them us the Aśvinis’ arms and Pūṣā’s hands. Bhṛgu’s moustache had been torn off. Since he was the chief advisor of Dakṣa, he got the moustache from a goat’s head.

|| 4.7.6 ||

maitreya uvāca

tadā sarvāṇi bhūtāni

śrutvā mīḍhuṣṭamoditam

parituṣṭātmabhis tāta

sādhu sādhv ity athābruvan

Maitreya said: All present, hearing the words of Śiva, with satisfied hearts and said, “We approve of this.”

Mīḍhustama means “one who gives most plentifully.” Those hearing the words of Śiva spoke.

|| 4.7.7 ||

tato mīḍhvāṁsam āmantrya

śunāsīrāḥ saharṣibhiḥ

bhūyas tad deva-yajanaṁ

sa-mīḍhvad-vedhaso yayuḥ

Then the devatās and sages invited Śiva, and went to the sacrifice again with Brahmā and Śiva.

The devatās (śunāsīrāḥ) requested him, saying “The sacrifice can only be completed in your presence.” They went along with Śiva and Brahmā (sa-mīḍhva-vedhasaḥ).


|| 4.7.8 ||

vidhāya kārtsnyena ca tad

yad āha bhagavān bhavaḥ

sandadhuḥ kasya kāyena

savanīya-paśoḥ śiraḥ

Doing as Śiva said, they joined the head of the sacrificial goat with the body of Dakṣa.

They did what Śiva said. This implies they also gave the eyes of Mitra to Bhaga, and carried out the recovery all persons. Kasya means “of Dakṣa.”

|| 4.7.9 ||

sandhīyamāne śirasi

dakṣo rudrābhivīkṣitaḥ

sadyaḥ supta ivottasthau

dadṛśe cāgrato mṛḍam

When the head was jointed to the body, as Śiva watched, Dakṣa suddenly awoke as if from sleep, and saw Śiva in front of him.

|| 4.7.10 ||

tadā vṛṣadhvaja-dveṣa-

kalilātmā prajāpatiḥ


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