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chiva-śaktyoḥ svarūpayoḥ


tvam eva bhagavann etac

chiva-śaktyoḥ svarūpayoḥ

viśvaṁ sṛjasi pāsy atsi

krīḍann ūrṇa-paṭo yathā

O lord! By your forms as Śiva and Śakti you create, maintain and destroy the universe just as a spider acts upon his web.

Instead of svarūpayoḥ the word svāṁśayor is sometimes seen. The genitive case here stands for the instrumental case. Because Śiva is his svāṁśa and śakti is Śiva’s shadow, they are both called svāṁśa.


|| 4.6.44 ||

tvam eva dharmārtha-dughābhipattaye

dakṣeṇa sūtreṇa sasarjithādhvaram

tvayaiva loke 'vasitāś ca setavo

yān brāhmaṇāḥ śraddadhate dhṛta-vratāḥ

O producer of artha and dharma! You have created sacrifice, like a cloth with threads, through Dakṣa, for producing artha. You have created the rules of varṇāśrama for the people, which the brāhmaṇas follow with determination.

O producer of dharma and artha! You created sacrifice, like weaving of cloth, through Dakṣa, for performance of artha as part of dharma. The respect for the varṇāśrama system in the world has been created by you. Since Dakṣa is dead, because of the absence of someone to initiate dharma, with the destruction of dharma, there will be now misfortune for the world.

|| 4.6.45 ||

tvaṁ karmaṇāṁ maṅgala maṅgalānāṁ

kartuḥ sva-lokaṁ tanuṣe svaḥ paraṁ vā

amaṅgalānāṁ ca tamisram ulbaṇaṁ

viparyayaḥ kena tad eva kasyacit

Auspicious lord! You bestow Svarga or liberation to the performer of pious acts and terrible hell to the sinful. But why do you do the opposite to some people?

You give the results of karma. O auspicious lord! You extend Svarga to the performer of pious acts, or even liberation. For the sinful, you give hell. But why should there be opposite results for some people? Pious persons like Dakṣa go to hell, and sinners like Ajāmila get liberation. I am asking you this.


|| 4.6.46 ||


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