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tattvaṁ na te vayam anañjana rudra-śāpāt


ṛtvija ūcuḥ

tattvaṁ na te vayam anañjana rudra-śāpāt

karmaṇy avagraha-dhiyo bhagavan vidāmaḥ

dharmopalakṣaṇam idaṁ trivṛd adhvarākhyaṁ

jñātaṁ yad-artham adhidaivam ado vyavasthāḥ

The priests said: O uncontaminated Lord! Because of the curse of Nandīśvara, we have become absorbed in karma and do not know the truth about you. We know you in the form of sacrifice, called dharma, for attaining artha, dharma and kāma, in which the result is an arrangement for the devatās share. 

O Lord beyond the contamination of māyā (anañjna)! By the curse of Nandīśvara we are absorbed in karma, and do not know you. How can Dakṣa know you? They glance at Dakṣa. “What do you know?” We know your form as the sacrifice which yields artha, dharma and kāma (trivṛt), commonly known as dharma. The result of this sacrifice is that thre is an arrangement of shares for the devatās according to their qualification.


|| 4.7.28 ||

sadasyā ūcuḥ

utpatty-adhvany aśaraṇa uru-kleśa-durge 'ntakogra-

vyālānviṣṭe viṣaya-mṛga-tṛṣy ātma-gehoru-bhāraḥ

dvandva-śvabhre khala-mṛga-bhaye śoka-dāve 'jña-sārthaḥ

pādaukas te śaraṇada kadā yāti kāmopasṛṣṭaḥ

The assembly said: Treading the road of saṁsāra without resting places, with holes of happiness and distress, full of fear of wild animals, subject to forest fires of lamentation, in the presence of the fearful snake of time, and dangerous with the five types of suffering, when will the ignorant people, afflicted by lust, carrying the heavy load of house and body arising from a thirst of sense objects, surrender to your lotus feet?

On the path of saṁsāra (utpatti adhvani) devoid of rest (aśaraṇe), which has holes of happiness and distress (dvandva-śabhre), where there is fear of fierce (khala) animals like tigers, with a forest fire of lamentation, when will the ignorant come to your lotus feet? They will never attain your feet. Dakṣa and the priests are made the object of this comment. Glancing at them, the assembly speaks. O giver of shelter! If he does not surrender to you, then what can you do? He is thirsty for material sense objects (mṛga-tṛṣi), and thus thinks of his body as himself, and takes on the load of house and other objects. He is afflicted with lust.

|| 4.7.29 ||


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