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yat-tejasāhaṁ susamiddha-tejā


agnir uvāca

yat-tejasāhaṁ susamiddha-tejā

havyaṁ vahe svadhvara ājya-siktam

taṁ yajñiyaṁ pañca-vidhaṁ ca pañcabhiḥ

sviṣṭaṁ yajurbhiḥ praṇato 'smi yajñam

Agni said: I offer respects to you, sacrifice personified, worshipped by five types of verses, who act for the benefit of sacrifice soaked in ghee which has five forms, by whose power I, bright with fuel, carry the oblation in the sacrifice.


Fire of the sacrificial fire speaks. I just carry the offering in the best sacrifice, but I do not know the truth about you. This statement is directed to the sacrificers who think they have knowledge. You are beneficial to the sacrifice (yajñiyam). In the Aitareya the five types of sacrifice are mentioned: agnihotra, darśa-paurṇamāsa, cāturmāsya, paśu and soma. (Śata-patha-brāhmaṇa) You are worshipped by five types of mantras.  Śruti says āśrāvayeti catur-akṣaraṁ astu śrauṣaḍ iti catur-akṣaraṁ yajeti dvābhyāṁ ye yajāmaha iti pañcākṣaraṁ dvyakṣaro vaṣaṭkāra: there is the four syllable mantra āśrāvaya, the four syllable mantra astu śṛauṣaṭ, the two syllable mantra yaja, the five syllable mantra ye yajāmahe, and the two syllable mantra vaṣaṭ. (Śata-patha-brāhmaṇa Smṛti says:


caturbhiś caturbhiś ca dvābhyāṁ pañcabhir eva ca

hūyate ca punar dvābhyāṁ sa me viṣṇuḥ prasīdatu


May Viṣṇu be pleased with me by the four syllable mantra, the four syllable mantra, the two syllable mantra, the five syllable mantra and the two syllable mantra.


Yajñaḥ means the form of sacrifice.

|| 4.7.42 ||

devā ūcuḥ

purā kalpāpāye sva-kṛtam udarī-kṛtya vikṛtaṁ

tvam evādyas tasmin salila uragendrādhiśayane

pumān śeṣe siddhair hṛdi vimṛśitādhyātma-padaviḥ


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