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sa evādyākṣṇor yaḥ pathi carasi bhṛtyān avasi naḥ


sa evādyākṣṇor yaḥ pathi carasi bhṛtyān avasi naḥ

The devatās said: Previously, at the end of the kalpa, having placed in your abdomen the universe you created and maintained, you, the path of knowledge, the object of meditation for the perfect sages in their hearts, lay down in the water upon the king of snakes. You protect us, your servants, who see you.

You placed in your abdomen what you created and transformed (vikṛtam). You are the path of knowledge (adhyātma-padaviḥ) upon whom the perfect beings meditate. You protect your servants. You are seen by us. These two statements indicate that you are seen by your servants whom you protect. You are known by them and not by others. This verse is directed to the sacrificers and jñānīs.

|| 4.7.43 ||

gandharvā ūcuḥ

aṁśāṁśās te deva marīcy-ādaya ete

brahmendrādyā deva-gaṇā rudra-purogāḥ

krīḍā-bhāṇḍaṁ viśvam idaṁ yasya vibhūman

tasmai nityaṁ nātha namas te karavāma

The Gandharvas said: O Lord! Most powerful person! Marīci, Brahmā, the devatās, having Śiva as their head, are portions of portions of you, for whom this universe is a pot used in playing. Therefore we offer respects to you.


Let us offer respects to you. We, entering the assembly, praised Dakṣa as the Supreme Lord but actually we praise you alone, since all others are portions of your portions. They think they are the Lord but they are not. This is directed to Brahmā and others.

|| 4.7.44 ||

vidyādharā ūcuḥ

tvan-māyayārtham abhipadya kalevare 'smin

kṛtvā mamāham iti durmatir utpathaiḥ svaiḥ

kṣipto 'py asad-viṣaya-lālasa ātma-mohaṁ

yuṣmat-kathāmṛta-niṣevaka udvyudasyet

The Vidyādharas said: After attaining a body, and identifying in that body with me and mine, the ignorant person, bewildered by family and desiring temporary objects, rejects illusion concerning himself by hearing your topics.

Attaining sense objects, and identifying with me and mine, the ignorant person, bewildered by his sons, desiring temporary objects, can completely reject illusions about himself by serving the nectar of your topics. This is directed towards dry jñānīs.

|| 4.7.45 ||


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