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yajño 'yaṁ tava yajanāya kena sṛṣṭo


yajño 'yaṁ tava yajanāya kena sṛṣṭo

vidhvastaḥ paśupatinādya dakṣa-kopāt

taṁ nas tvaṁ śava-śayanābha-śānta-medhaṁ

yajñātman nalina-rucā dṛśā punīhi

The wives said: This sacrifice created by Brahmā for worshipping you has been destroyed by Śiva because of his anger at Dakṣa. Lotus-navelled Lord! Lord of sacrifice! Purify with the glance of your lotus eyes this sacrifice where animal sacrifice has stopped.

Kena means by Brahmā. Śava means water. Thus śava-śaya-nābha means lotus navel. O lord with a lotus navel! Purify the sacrifice in which animal sacrifice had stopped (śānta-medham) with your eyes. Without your presence, nothing can be accomplished even with all the present efforts. This is addressed to everyone.


|| 4.7.34 ||

ṛṣaya ūcuḥ

ananvitaṁ te bhagavan viceṣṭitaṁ

yad ātmanā carasi hi karma nājyase

vibhūtaye yata upasedur īśvarīṁ

na manyate svayam anuvartatīṁ bhavān

The sages said: O Lord! Your activities are astounding since you perform actions by yourself and do not become contaminated by them. Whereas others worship Lakṣmī for wealth, you do not accept her for wealth.

Ananvitam means “impossible for others.” Your activities are astounding because (yat) you perform them by yourself alone, and you are not attached to them. All other performers of action are attached to the result. This comment is directed to Brahmā and others. Whereas (yataḥ) others worship Lakṣmī for wealth (vibhūtaye) you do not accept her. Yataḥ can also stand for yām. You do not accept Lakṣmī whom others worship for wealth.

|| 4.7.35 ||

siddhā ūcuḥ

ayaṁ tvat-kathā-mṛṣṭa-pīyūṣa-nadyāṁ

mano vāraṇaḥ kleśa-dāvāgni-dagdhaḥ


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