yajño 'yaṁ tava yajanāya kena sṛṣṭo
Содержание книги
- chindann api tad uddhartuṁ
- The Devatās Approach Śiva
- athāpi yūyaṁ kṛta-kilbiṣā bhavaṁ
- samanvitaḥ pitṛbhiḥ sa-prajeśaiḥ
- dvijān kāma-dughair drumaiḥ
- Kailāsa is decorated with date trees, hog plum, mango, priyāla, madhuka, iṅguda, hollow bamboos and solid bamboos.
- saritau bāhyataḥ puraḥ
- kalahaṁsa-kula-preṣṭhaṁ
- tyaktāmarṣam ivāntakam
- kṛtvorau dakṣiṇe savyaṁ
- sa tūpalabhyāgatam ātma-yoniṁ
- chiva-śaktyoḥ svarūpayoḥ
- na vai satāṁ tvac-caraṇārpitātmanāṁ
- yasmin yadā puṣkara-nābha-māyayā
- tvayāsamāptasya mano prajāpateḥ
- varṇaye nānucintaye
- bhavantv adhvaryavaś cānye
- charad-dhrada ivāmalaḥ
- yo 'sau mayāvidita-tattva-dṛśā sabhāyāṁ
- O Vidura! Dakṣa, using the adhvaryu priest to offer oblations, concentrated with pure mind so that the Lord appeared.
- hāsāvaloka-kalayā ramayaṁś ca viśvam
- mahi tv ātmabhuv-ādayaḥ
- tattvaṁ na te vayam anañjana rudra-śāpāt
- tava varada varāṅghrāv āśiṣehākhilārthe
- bheda-grahaiḥ puruṣo yāvad īkṣet
- yajño 'yaṁ tava yajanāya kena sṛṣṭo
- tṛṣārto 'vagāḍho na sasmāra dāvaṁ
- dṛṣṭaḥ kiṁ no dṛgbhir asad-grahais tvaṁ
- jagad-udbhava-sthiti-layeṣu daivato
- yat-tejasāhaṁ susamiddha-tejā
- sa evādyākṣṇor yaḥ pathi carasi bhṛtyān avasi naḥ
- tvaṁ kratus tvaṁ havis tvaṁ hutāśaḥ svayaṁ
- iti dakṣaḥ kavir yajñaṁ
- Situated in my energy composed of the guṇas, creating, maintaining and destroying the universe, I take on names according to the activity.
- yo na paśyati vai bhidām
- ananya-bhāvaika-gatiṁ
- mṛṣādharmasya bhāryāsīd
- O sinless Vidura! Briefly I have described destruction. One who hears three times this purifying description cleanses his mind of all sin.
- sapatnyās tanayaṁ dhruvam
- sunītir utsaṅga udūhya bālam
- tiṣṭha tat tāta vimatsaras tvam
- tam eva vatsāśraya bhṛtya-vatsalaṁ
- evaṁ sañjalpitaṁ mātur
- parituṣyet tatas tāta
- guṇādhikān mudaṁ lipsed
- jigīṣoḥ sādhu vartma me
- If one desires the goals of dharma, artha, kāma or mokṣa, the only method to achieve this is worship of the feet of the Lord.
- aṅkha-cakra-gadā-padmair
- japaś ca paramo guhyaḥ
- svecchāvatāra-caritair
yajño 'yaṁ tava yajanāya kena sṛṣṭo
vidhvastaḥ paśupatinādya dakṣa-kopāt
taṁ nas tvaṁ śava-śayanābha-śānta-medhaṁ
yajñātman nalina-rucā dṛśā punīhi
The wives said: This sacrifice created by Brahmā for worshipping you has been destroyed by Śiva because of his anger at Dakṣa. Lotus-navelled Lord! Lord of sacrifice! Purify with the glance of your lotus eyes this sacrifice where animal sacrifice has stopped.
Kena means by Brahmā. Śava means water. Thus śava-śaya-nābha means lotus navel. O lord with a lotus navel! Purify the sacrifice in which animal sacrifice had stopped (śānta-medham) with your eyes. Without your presence, nothing can be accomplished even with all the present efforts. This is addressed to everyone.
|| 4.7.34 ||
ṛṣaya ūcuḥ
ananvitaṁ te bhagavan viceṣṭitaṁ
yad ātmanā carasi hi karma nājyase
vibhūtaye yata upasedur īśvarīṁ
na manyate svayam anuvartatīṁ bhavān
The sages said: O Lord! Your activities are astounding since you perform actions by yourself and do not become contaminated by them. Whereas others worship Lakṣmī for wealth, you do not accept her for wealth.
Ananvitam means “impossible for others.” Your activities are astounding because (yat) you perform them by yourself alone, and you are not attached to them. All other performers of action are attached to the result. This comment is directed to Brahmā and others. Whereas (yataḥ) others worship Lakṣmī for wealth (vibhūtaye) you do not accept her. Yataḥ can also stand for yām. You do not accept Lakṣmī whom others worship for wealth.
|| 4.7.35 ||
siddhā ūcuḥ
ayaṁ tvat-kathā-mṛṣṭa-pīyūṣa-nadyāṁ
mano vāraṇaḥ kleśa-dāvāgni-dagdhaḥ