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kṛtvorau dakṣiṇe savyaṁ


kṛtvorau dakṣiṇe savyaṁ

pāda-padmaṁ ca jānuni

bāhuṁ prakoṣṭhe 'kṣa-mālām

āsīnaṁ tarka-mudrayā

His left foot was on his right thigh and his left hand was placed on his left knee. He had beads on his right forearm, and his right hand showed the tarka-mudrā.

He was seen sitting in this typical posture. Yoga scriptures describe the posture:


eka-pādam athaikasmin vinyased ūru-saṁsthitam

itarasmiṁs tathā bāhuṁ vīrāsanam idaṁ smṛtam


Vīrāsana is defined as placing each foot on the opposite thigh, and placing the hands on the thighs.


The tarka-mudrā is described as follows:


tarjany-aṅguṣṭhayor agre mithaḥ saṁyojya cāṅgulīḥ

prasārya bandhanaṁ prāhus tarkamudreti māntrikā


Reciters of mantra define the tarka-mudrā as placing the tips of the forefinger and thumb together while spreading the other fingers.



|| 4.6.39 ||

taṁ brahma-nirvāṇa-samādhim āśritaṁ

vyupāśritaṁ giriśaṁ yoga-kakṣām

sa-loka-pālā munayo manūnām

ādyaṁ manuṁ prāñjalayaḥ praṇemuḥ

The devatās and sages offered respects with folded hands to Śiva, chief of meditators, who had a cloth draped over his knee, and whose mind was completely absorbed in the bliss of the Supreme Lord.

Brahma-nirvāṇam means the bliss of Brahman. According to Prahlāda however nirvāṇa means the bliss of realizing the Supreme Lord.


adhokṣajālambham ihāśubhātmanaḥ

śarīriṇaḥ saṁsṛti-cakra-śātanam

tad brahma-nirvāṇa-sukhaṁ vidur budhās

tato bhajadhvaṁ hṛdaye hṛd-īśvaram


The wise know that direct contact with the Lord, which includes the happiness of Brahman, destroys saṁsāra for the sinful persons possessing material bodies in this world. Therefore, worship Paramātmā in your heart. SB 7.7.37


Śiva had completely concentrated his mind (samādhi) on that bliss. Yoga-kakṣam refers to the yogī’s cloth draped in such a way to make the left knee firm. He was the chief (ādyam) of those who are dedicated to contemplation (manūnām).

|| 4.6.40 ||


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