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tvaṁ kratus tvaṁ havis tvaṁ hutāśaḥ svayaṁ


brāhmaṇā ūcuḥ

tvaṁ kratus tvaṁ havis tvaṁ hutāśaḥ svayaṁ

tvaṁ hi mantraḥ samid-darbha-pātrāṇi ca

tvaṁ sadasyartvijo dampatī devatā

agnihotraṁ svadhā soma ājyaṁ paśuḥ

The brāhmaṇas said: You are the sacrifice, the oblation, the fire, the mantras, the vessels, fuel and kuśa grass. You are the assembly, the priests, the sponsor and his wife, the devatās, the offering to Agni, the mantra svadhā, the soma, the ghee and the sacrificial animal.

Sadaysa and ṛtvijaḥ are two separate items.


|| 4.7.46 ||

tvaṁ purā gāṁ rasāyā mahā-sūkaro

daṁṣṭrayā padminīṁ vāraṇendro yathā

stūyamāno nadal līlayā yogibhir

vyujjahartha trayī-gātra yajña-kratuḥ

In the past, in the form of the great boar, praised by the sages, you easily lifted up the earth from the water with your tusk, like an elephant lifts a lotus, while you roared. 

O form of the Vedas (trayī-gātra)! This explains the Lord as the form of sacrifice.

|| 4.7.47 ||

sa prasīda tvam asmākam ākāṅkṣatāṁ

darśanaṁ te paribhraṣṭa-sat-karmaṇām

kīrtyamāne nṛbhir nāmni yajñeśa te

yajña-vighnāḥ kṣayaṁ yānti tasmai namaḥ

May you, non-different from the boar, be pleased with us, who are eager to see you, though we have interrupted the sacrifice. O Lord of sacrifice! When your name is chanted, the obstacles to sacrifice disappear. We offer respects to you

If chanting your name destroys obstacles, then how much more will your very presence destroy obstacles! The obstacles to the sacrifice were the followers of Śiva. This statement is directed towards them. When the various speakers put blame on various persons, it indicates that there is no fault in the devotees of the Lord, since their position is generally made superior.


|| 4.7.48 ||

maitreya uvāca


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