yo na paśyati vai bhidām
yo na paśyati vai bhidām
sarva-bhūtātmanāṁ brahman
sa śāntim adhigacchati
O Dakṣa! The person who does not see difference between the three of us, the souls of all beings, who have one nature, attains peace.
The result of seeing non-difference is stated.
|| 4.7.55 ||
maitreya uvāca
evaṁ bhagavatādiṣṭaḥ
prajāpati-patir harim
arcitvā kratunā svena
devān ubhayato 'yajat
Maitreya said: Being instructed by the Lord, Dakṣa, after worshipping the Lord through a specific sacrifice, worshipped the devatās by main and subsidiary sacrifices.
Prajāpati-patiḥ is Dakṣa. Ubhayataḥ means “by secondary and primary sacrifices.”
|| 4.7.56 ||
rudraṁ ca svena bhāgena
hy upādhāvat samāhitaḥ
somapān itarān api
udavasya sahartvigbhiḥ
sasnāv avabhṛthaṁ tataḥ
With concentrated mind, he worshipped Śiva with his share. Worshipping other devatās by concluding rites, he then bathed along with the priests.
Udavasānam means “that which completes.” After finishing with these concluding rites, he took bath.
|| 4.7.57 ||
tasmā apy anubhāvena
dharma eva matiṁ dattvā
tridaśās te divaṁ yayuḥ
After giving Dakṣa intelligence to act according to dharma, after he had already attained perfection by worshiping the Lord, the devatās departed for heaven.
The devatās gave blessings to Dakṣa, who had attained perfection (avāpta-rādhase).
|| 4.7.58 ||
evaṁ dākṣāyaṇī hitvā
satī pūrva-kalevaram
jajñe himavataḥ kṣetre
menāyām iti śuśruma
O Vidura! I have heard that the daughter of Dakṣa, Satī, on giving up her body, later as born in the womb of Menakā, wife of Himālaya.
Menāyām means menakāyām.
|| 4.7.59 ||
tam eva dayitaṁ bhūya