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bheda-grahaiḥ puruṣo yāvad īkṣet


bheda-grahaiḥ puruṣo yāvad īkṣet

jñānasya cārthasya guṇasya cāśrayo

māyāmayād vyatirikto matas tvam

Brahmā said: As long as one cannot see the form of the Lord by using material senses, one is merely under the shelter of the sense devatās, bodily parts and sense organs. You are different from these material factors.

As long as one does not see your form, one is the shelter of the presiding deities of the senses (jñānasya), the gross organ and sense object (arthasya), and the subtle sense organ (guṇasya).[3] When one sees the Lord directly, one is no longer under the shelter of the sense deities, gross organs or sense organs. One will have non-material perception, since you have a spiritual form different from the material factors such as sense devatās. You cannot be perceived by those material factors. That much we know. Those with material senses who think they see the Lord do not see the Lord’s real form. This is a statement directed to Bhṛgu and others.

|| 4.7.32 ||

indra uvāca

idam apy acyuta viśva-bhāvanaṁ

vapur ānanda-karaṁ mano-dṛśām

sura-vidviṭ-kṣapaṇair udāyudhair

bhuja-daṇḍair upapannam aṣṭabhiḥ

Indra said: Lord! Your body, endowed with eight arms carrying weapons to destroy the demons, is auspicious for the universe, can be perceived even by our material senses and mind, and gives us bliss.

By your mercy your body makes this universe (idam) auspicious. This eight-armed form for destroying the demons is seen by us even with our material senses, by your indescribable mercy, and gives us bliss. This is proof that there is no other way in which we can be blissful. This statement is directed to Brahmā.

|| 4.7.33 ||

patnya ūcuḥ


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