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sa tūpalabhyāgatam ātma-yoniṁ


sa tūpalabhyāgatam ātma-yoniṁ

surāsureśair abhivanditāṅghriḥ

utthāya cakre śirasābhivandanam

arhattamaḥ kasya yathaiva viṣṇuḥ

Though most worthy of worship, Śiva, whose feet are worshipped, seeing Brahmā arrive with the devatās, stood up and lowered his head in respect, just as Vāmana respected Kaśyapa.

Śiva respected Brahmā because he was his father. Though Śiva is most worthy of respect (arhattamaḥ), he worshipped Brahmā because he was his father, just as Vāmana (viṣṇuḥ) worshipped Kaśyapa (kasya).


|| 4.6.41 ||

tathāpare siddha-gaṇā maharṣibhir

ye vai samantād anu nīlalohitam

namaskṛtaḥ prāha śaśāṅka-śekharaṁ

kṛta-praṇāmaṁ prahasann ivātmabhūḥ

Other great persons along with the sages, who were all around Śiva, offered respects to Brahmā, and Brahmā, smiling then spoke to Śiva, to whom he offered respects.

Those who were with Śiva, such as Nārada, along with the sages, offered respects to Brahmā. Brahmā, being offered respects, spoke to Śiva, who was offered respects by the devatās. Though they were internally fearful, they showed joyful faces externally.

|| 4.6.42 ||


jāne tvām īśaṁ viśvasya

jagato yoni-bījayoḥ

śakteḥ śivasya ca paraṁ

yat tad brahma nirantaram

Brahmā said: I know you are the Lord of the universe, prakṛti and puruṣa, that you are superior to Śakti and Śiva, and that you are also the Brahman without qualities.

Though you offer respects to me, you are more powerful since you are one with the Supreme Lord. He speaks taking the mentality of a Śaivite. The Śaivites think of the Lord, prakṛti and puruṣa as the form of Sadāśiva. That is the explanation of this verse. I know you are the form of Sadāśiva. The Lord of the whole universe composed of prakṛti and puruṣa, because I know that you are superior to the prakṛti and puruṣa (yoni-bījayoh) of the material world. These items are explained. They are Śakti and Śiva. But I know that you are the famous Brahman without differences (nirantaram)


|| 4.6.43 ||


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