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yo 'sau mayāvidita-tattva-dṛśā sabhāyāṁ


yo 'sau mayāvidita-tattva-dṛśā sabhāyāṁ

kṣipto durukti-viśikhair vigaṇayya tan mām

arvāk patantam arhattama-nindayāpād

dṛṣṭyārdrayā sa bhagavān sva-kṛtena tuṣyet

Though I insulted you, with harsh words in the assembly, not knowing the truth about you, you did not consider the insult significant, and you, by your glance of mercy, saved me, who had fallen down by my offense to the most respectable person. You should be satisfied with your show of mercy. 

I cannot atone properly. You, abused by me, who have no knowledge of the truth, did not consider it significant (vigaṇayya). You saved me, who had fallen down (arvāk), by your compassionate glance. Otherwise I could not be delivered from hell. You should be satisfied by the mercy you give others. I have no ability to satisfy you.

|| 4.7.16 ||

maitreya uvāca

kṣamāpyaivaṁ sa mīḍhvāṁsaṁ

brahmaṇā cānumantritaḥ

karma santānayām āsa


Maitreya said: Being forgiven by Śiva, Dakṣa, with permission of Brahmā, undertook the sacrifice along with the priests and teachers.

He undertook the sacrifice with the priests and teachers (upādhyāya).

|| 4.7.17 ||

vaiṣṇavaṁ yajña-santatyai

tri-kapālaṁ dvijottamāḥ

puroḍāśaṁ niravapan


For performing the sacrifice, the brāhmaṇas offered puroḍaśa related to Viṣṇu in three vessels, in order to purify the sacrifice from the touch of Vīrabhadra.


For performing the sacrifice the brāhmaṇas offered the puroḍāśa related to Viṣṇu (vaiṣṇavam), in order to purify it from the touch of Vīrabhadra and others.


|| 4.7.18 ||


yajamāno viśāmpate

dhiyā viśuddhayā dadhyau

tathā prādurabhūd dhariḥ


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