Переведите следующие группы слов и предложении на английский 

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Переведите следующие группы слов и предложении на английский


9. Переведите следующие группы слов и предложении на английский


I) квартира нашего преподавателя; 2) исследовательская работа молодых инженеров; 3) фамилии этих студентов; 4) ответ докладчика; 5) Отец этого студента – химик. 6) Кабинет декана большой и светлый. 7) Как зовут вашего старосту? 8) работать в лаборатории; 9) идти в лабораторию; 10) использовать в сельском хозяйстве; II) делать инструменты из стали; 12) приезжать из деревни; 13) снять со стола; 14) разговаривать с инженером; 15) делать из дерева; 16) говорить о людях; 17) использовать для работы; 18) читать книги Пушкина; 19) в нашей стране; 20) выпуск­ники нашего института; 21) среди бывших выпускников; 22) учиться в институте; 23) присутствовать на лекции; 24) снабжать оборудо­ванием; 25) идти в институт; 26) студенты нашего института; 27) писать карандашом; 28) строить из стали и стекла; 29) послать телеграмму главному инженеру; 30) информировать о новом спутнике; 31) написать письмо приятелю; 32) фамилия нашего преподавателя; 33) думать об институте; 34) производить из пластиков.


Переведите текст, обращая внимание на предлоги. Выпишите из текста словосочетания, в которых существительное является опре­делителем другого существительного. Перескажите текст.



The continent of Antarctica liеs at and around the South Pole within the Antarctic circle. It is in the centre of the Earth's southern part on the opposite side of the globe from the areas where most of the population of our planet lives.

Antarctica stretches from the South Pole to the 70th lati­tude and is twice as large in area as Australia.

Twenty million square kilometers of the land mass is thick ice which forms the largest load on the earth's crust; in some places it depresses the continent below sea level. The stormy ocean isolates Antarctica from other lands. In winter the tem­perature is coldest on earth, sea water freezes and doubles the area of the continent: it brings its border to the 50th parallel - the latitude of Paris. The summer season lasts for two months - from December to January. When the daily hours of sunshine are longest air temperature rises to 2 or 3 degrees Centigrade above zero. On a clear summer day the icebergs change color from red to violet and the sea is green but all the rest is white, quite white. A small piece of land free from ice and snow with a lake in its centre lies about 250 miles from the Mirny. The water in the lake is icy cold but the stones around it are quite hot from the sun rays. Because the ice reflects most of the solar heat back into space, ice and snow do not melt, but any object may get hot in the sunshine.

Geological exploration shows that the continent in the not too distant past had a rich flora and fauna. Geologists find signs of plants and animals that are characteristic of a temperate climate which brings Antarctica to the centre of interest in many fields of science. Geological exploration may help to solve many questions about the history of the earth. What lies under the cover of ice? How long did the life exist here? How many thousands of centuries ago did forests grow here and huge animals people them? Why did they disappear? The unique geography of the Antarc­tic makes it a great natural observatory for the study of the earth and its three southern poles: the geographic, magnetic and geomagnetic. Antarctica may become a laboratory for the scientists of many nations where they can work together and develop inter­national cooperation and contacts.


10. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на составные пред­логи:  according to - в соответствие, согласно; as far as -до, насколько; because of - из-за; by means of - посредством; due to - благодаря, вследствие, из-за; in addition to - в дополнение, плюс к; in front of - перед; in order to - для того, чтобы; in spite of - несмотря на; instead of - вместо; on account of -вследствие, из-за; owing to - благодаря, из-за, вследствие; thanks to - благодаря, из-за.

1. By means of this device we can now carry out more opera­tions in shorter time. 2. The work goes on according to schedule. 3. The engine didn't operate well because of bad fuel. 4. In order to protect the surface from heat and cold it was covered with special substance. 5. Due to this new trolley-bus route the passenger service in the city was improved. 6. The monument was restored in spite of many difficulties. 7. Who can repair the apparatus instead of him? 8. No planes took off on that day on account of low clouds. 9. Is there any high building in front of your house? 10. Owing to his works not only was the problem solved at last but a wholly new approach to it was introduced. 11. The expedition sailed as far as Borneo. 12. In addition to sails the boat was also supplied with a motor. 13. In addition to the usual methods of computation they made use of computers. 14. According to the information the ship will arrive on the 10th of April. 15. I go by bus as far as the library and then walk a few blocks to my office. 16. They didn't go to the country because of the rain. 17. In big ports ships are loaded and un-loaded by means of cranes. 18. The train did not arrive in time due to the snow storm. 19. Who is sitting in front of you? 20. The new equipment was used in order to test the vibration of the engine. 21. He left in spite of all my protests. 22. What book can you give me instead of that one? 23. The match was de­layed on account of heavy rain. 24. Owing to the new system of regulations the number of accidents went down. 25. Thanks to his help we finished our work early.


11. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слова “which”.

1. The Moon has no atmosphere which is necessary for the life of plants. There is no atmosphere on the Moon, which is the reason of its being lifeless. 2. Plastics are a new material which is produced of chemicals. Plastics can be moulded under heat and pressure, which makes them important in industry. 3. Glass has some properties which have been recently discovered. Glass can be subjected to different methods of treatment, which should be taken into consideration by the engineer.


12. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на составные союзы: both ... and - как ... так и; either ... or - или ... или neither ... nor- ни ... ни, sо that - так, чтобы, с тем чтобы.

 1. Both the bridge and the tunnel will be finished in time. 2. I shall leave either tonight or tomorrow. 3. I could find him neither at home nor in the office. 4. They crossed the mountains sо that they could reach the village before dark. 5. You can get to this part of the city either by bus or by the underground. 6. Our firm knows neither crisis nor unemployment. 7. The sun gives us both light and heat.




100 наиболее употребляемых неправильных глаголов в английском языке

№ Глагол 2 форма 3 форма Перевод

1  say said said говорить

2  make made made делать

3  go went gone идти

4  take took taken брать

5  come came come приходить

6  see saw seen видеть

7  know knew known   знать

8  get got got получать

9  give gave given давать

10 find found     found     находить

11 think thought  thought  думать

12 tell told told сказать

13 become  became  become  становиться

14 show showed  shown   показывать

15 leave left left оставлять

16 feel felt felt чувствовать

17 put put put класть

18 bring brought brought приносить

19 begin began     began     начинать

20 keep kept kept держать

21 hold held held держать

22 write wrote written   писать

23 stand stood stood стоять

24 hear heard heard слышать

25 let let let позволять

26 mean meant    meant    иметь в виду, намереваться

27 set set set ставить, устанавливать

28 meet met met встречать

29 run ran run бежать

30 pay paid paid платить

31 sit sat sat сидеть

32 speak     spoke    spoken  говорить

33 lie lay lain лежать

34 lead led led вести

35 read read read читать

36 grow grew grown    расти

37 loose lost lost терять

38 fall fell fallen падать

39 send sent sent отправлять

40 build built built строить

41 understand understood understood понимать

42 draw drew drawn    рисовать

43 break broke broken   ломать

44 spend    spent spent тратить

45 cut cut cut резать

46 rise rose risen подниматься

47 drive drove driven    вести машину

48 buy bought   bought   покупать

49 wear wore worn носить (одежду)

50 choose   chose chosen   выбирать

51 seek sought   sought   искать

52 throw    threw    thrown  бросать

53 catch caught   caught   ловить

54 deal dealt dealt иметь дело

55 win won won выигрывать

56 forget     forgot   forgotten забывать

57 lay laid laid класть

58 sell sold sold продавать

59 fight fought    fought    драться, бороться

60 bear bore born родиться

61 teach taught    taught    учить

62 eat ate eaten есть

63 sing sang sung петь

64 strike struck    struck    ударять, бить

65 hang hung hung вешать

66 shake shook    shaken  трясти

67 ride rode ridden    ездить верхом

68 feed fed fed кормить

69 shoot shot shot стрелять

70 drink drank     drunk    пить

71 hit hit hit ударять

72 arise arose arisen    возникать

73 fly flew flown летать

74 spread   spread   spread   распространяться

75 sleep slept slept спать

76 cost cost cost стоить

77 beat beat beaten    бить

78 light lit lit освещать, зажигать

79 bind bound    bound    вязать, связывать

80 cast cast cast брать, кидать

81 hide hid hidden   прятаться

82 swing     swung   swung    качаться, вертеться

83 blow blew blown    дуть

84 swim swam     swum    плавать

85 bend bent bent сгибать

86 wake woke woken   просыпаться, будить

87 stick stuck stuck приклеивать, держаться

88 sweep    swept    swept   подметать, мчаться

89 undertake undertook undertaken предпринимать, совершать

90 shut shut shut закрывать

91 steal stole stolen    красть

92 tear tore torn рвать

93 hurt hurt hurt повредить, ушибить

94 ring rang rung звонить

95 lend lent lent одалживать

96 sink sank sunk тонуть, погружаться

97 overcome overcame overcome преодолеть, побороть

98 freeze froze     frozen    замерзать

99 shine shone     shone     светить, сиять

100 withdraw withdrew withdrawn взять назад



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