Прочтите и переведите текст. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова, объясните почему. 

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Прочтите и переведите текст. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова, объясните почему.


                                                        ТЕКСТ I

Прочтите и переведите текст. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова, объясните почему.


A man has intellect. He can think and speak. He can work and plan his work. We cannot live without food; we must not work without rest. We rest after work.

A man works and studies according to a plan. It helps him in his work and study. Man studies nature and uses it for his needs. Nature gives us food, metals and minerals. Coal is a mineral, it gives heat. Heat can generate electricity, electricity produces energy. Steel is not a mineral; it belongs to metals; it supplies materials for industry. We use steel for engines, instruments and in construction. Man needs electricity for many industrial uses. With its help we can drive engines and machines build houses and cities, tunnels and bridges, construct sputniks spaceships and rockets. The rocket drives the spaceship and sends it into cosmos. Man's intellect and technical skill pro­gress. We must not stop on the way to progress. Men and women, you and I will he1p to make life happy on this planet.

Т Е К С Т 2

Найдите сказуемые, выраженные глаголами "to be" и "to have". Определите их форму, переведите текст. Задайте к каждому предло­жению общий вопрос.

                              Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945).

      Theodore Dreiser is a great progressive American writer of our age, a great master of realistic art. His wish to study was very strong. He often learned at night after a long day of work. It was bard for the boy who was only sixteen.

     When Theodore Dreiser was twenty-one, he started his literary work as a newspaper reporter. The reporters were always in contact with facts of social life. Later on this fact will be of great importance for him, as this work will help him to become a great writer of the American literature.

    The name of Theodore Dreiser is very popular with Russian readers. Dreiser's novels were, are, and will be of great inte­rest to the readers all over the world.



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