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                                                  The Solar System

  There is nothing more important to life than the sun. It gives us heat, light, power and food and all the beauty of color and form in nature.

  The sun is a star. There are many thousands of stars in the sky that are like the sun. They are as large as the sun, as hot as the sun and contain the same chemical elements. The sun is a great mass of white hot matter. The temperature at the sun’s centre is as high as 10 000 000 ‘C.

  The sun is much nearer to us than other stars. That is why we think that it is bigger and brighter than other stars. The average distance from the sun to earth is as much as 150 million kilometers. It is difficult to realize such a distance. But it is much more difficult to realize the distances to the stars which are millions and millions of kilometers still farther away. To express these great distances the astronomers use a very much larger scale than kilometers. Nothing in the world moves faster than light. It moves at the rate of 300 000 kilometers per second. So the astronomer’s unit of measure is one light year, the distance that light travels in one year. It is a little less than 9.5 million million kilometers. Most of the stars are thousands of light years away from the earth. It is hard to realize that these are not the greatest distances in the world.

   Our solar system consists of nine planets and their moons.

      The closest planet to the sun is Mercury. No other planet receives more light and heat than this one. It is the smallest of the planets. Mercury revolves around the sun at a higher speed than other planets. Its speed is much higher than theirs.

    Jupiter is the 1argest planet in the solar system. Venus is not as large as Jupiter, but it is the brightest planet in the sky. We see its quiet light in the morning as well as in the evening. When it is in the West it is the first point of light which we see in the evening. We see it best of all on a dark night. The darker the night grows the brighter it shines and the better we see it. When Venus appears in the East it is possible to see it in the early morning hours as well.

   Mars shines with reddish light. The appearance of Mars varies from year to year. It depends upon the distance of the planet from the earth. It is closest to us every two years and two months. Mars has an atmosphere though it is not as dense as that of the earth.



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