Закончите предложения, подобрав по смыслу фразы из правой колонки. 

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Закончите предложения, подобрав по смыслу фразы из правой колонки.


14. Закончите предложения, подобрав по смыслу фразы из правой колонки.

The sooner we finish our work...                     …the fresher is the climate.

The more the students read English…             …the earlier we can go home.

The earlier we get up ...                                   …the better he speaks English.

The younger the child ...                                  …the fresher we feel.

The nearer the sea...                                         …the worse she skates.

The more they study…                                    …the better they speak.

The more physical exercises the children do… …the more care it requires.

The longer I think of your plan…                   ... the more I like it.

The less she trains…                                       …the stronger they become.

The more English words one learns…           ... the deeper is their knowledge.

The more time you spend in the open air…   ... the sooner you will recover after The stronger the wind…                                     your illness.

                                                                         …the harder the conditions of work.


15. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сложные союзы:

as long as - пока; так как; as soon as – как только ; as well as – так же, как; as well – так же.

 1. I shall remember this event as long as I live. 2. A solid has length as well as width. It has thickness as well. 3. I’ll telephone you as soon as I return home. 4. This book is useful as well as interesting. 5. Jupiter as well as Venus is a planet. 6. The Sun gives us light and heat; it gives us energy as well 7. George will remember his father’s words as long as he lives. 8. As soon as we build this power station it will give light and heat to all the towns and villages of this region. 9. Meta1s as well as minerals are of great importance for industry. The development of science and engineering makes us continue learning as long as we live. 11. Smith is a good specialist; he is a good sportsman as well. 12. As long as we study at the Institute we acquire good knowledge. 13. Petrov has a good knowledge of English, he speaks French as well. 14. As soon as all the calculations are completed we shall begin tests. 15. As long as you refuse to apply new methods, the output will remain low. 16. The investigations at the Arctic research stations are carried out in good as well as in bad weather.



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