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1. Are you making an experiment? 2. Is the teacher standing at your table? 3. Are the students looking at your work? 4. Were you speaking with them when the teacher came up to you? 5. Will you be working here tomorrow at this time? 6. I am not reading now. 7. My friends were not working here at 9 o'clock. 8. It is not raining. 9. We won’t be reading the new text during the next lesson.



                                          ТЕКСТ I

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                              Our planet Earth

How is our little planet living today? What problems is it facing and what problems are the Earthmen facing? As a result of the technological progress and great needs of the peoples in mi­nerals and water, the face of the Earth is changing day by day and not to the good.

The ecological problems we are facing are really great and difficult to solve. There is an English song which sounds like this:

"What are they doing to our land, my friend?          

 What are they doing to the deep seas and oceans?      

 What are they doing to the fresh, water lakes and rivers, my friend? ... etc."

The answer to these questions may really be very sad. Our generation must not be so egoistic. We must think of our children, grandchildren and grand grandchildren as well. We really haven't got much fresh water on the Earth, as well as minerals. We must protect nature from people's egoism.

What problems are the peoples of the five continents discuss­ing now? The principal problem is the classical one - War and Peace problem. The discussions on this problem are taking place on all levels here and everywhere on our planet. State political leaders and scientists as well as common people of the five con­tinents are thinking day and sight about one and the same -"peace or war?" They are thinking over this problem inside their states and out, north and south, east and west from very point of view. This problem is exactly what we think about it – next world war may well be the end of our planet.



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