II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастного оборота. 

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II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастного оборота.

1. The results being really important in the business world, it is necessary to establish realistic goals. 2. The professor delivering the lecture is a famous scientist. 3. The dictionaries having been brought from the library, the student began to translate the article. 4. She got her photo taken. 5. We heard the dam blown down. III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод условных предложений.

1. It's very crowded here. I wish there weren't so many people. 2. If I didn't want to go to the party, I wouldn't go. 3. The view was wonderful. If I'd had a camera with me, I would have taken some photographs. 4. You can use my car as long as you drive carefully. 5. If you had told me about the problem then, I would have helped you.

IV. Прочитайте и письменно переведите следующий текст. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту.


Automated production lines

An automated production line consists of a series of workstations connected by a transfer system to move parts between the stations. This is an example of fixed automation, since these lines are set up for long produc­tion runs, making large number of product units and running for several years between changeovers. Each station is designed to perform a specific processing op­eration, so that the part or product is constructed stepwise as it progresses along the line. A raw work part enters at one end of the line, proceeds through each workstation and appears at the other end as a completed product. In the normal operation of the line, there is a work part being processed at each station, so that many parts are being processed simultaneously and a finished part is produced with each cycle of the line. The various opera­tions, part transfers, and other activities taking place on an automated transfer line must all be sequenced and co­ordinated properly for the line to operate efficiently.

Modern automated lines are controlled by program­mable logic controllers, which are special computers that can perform timing and sequencing functions required to operate such equipment. Automated production lines are utilized in many industries, mostly automobile, where they are used for processes such as machining and pressworking.

Machining is a manufacturing process in which metal is removed by a cutting or shaping tool, so that the remain­ing work part is the desired shape. Machinery and motor components are usually made by this process. In many cases, multiple operations are required to completely shape the part. If the part is mass-produced, an automated transfer line is often the most economical method of pro­duction. Many separate operations are divided among the workstations.

Pressworking operations involve the cutting and forming of parts from sheet metal. Examples of such parts include automobile body panels, outer shells of laundry machines and metal furniture More than one processing step is often required to complete a compli­cated part. Several presses are connected together in se­quence by handling mechanisms that transfer the par­tially completed parts from one press to the next, thus creating an automated pressworking line.


1. Where are automated production lines utilized? 2. What do they consist of? 3. What are modern automated lines controlled by? 4. How can processes of machining and pressworking be defined? Вариант5

I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод объектного и субъектного инфинитивного оборота.

1. They want their chief to be removed from the office. 2. We expect the facts to be proved. 3. Bohr considered the atom to consist of two parts: the nucleus and electrons. 4. Thermocouples are expected to be used instead of semiconductors in the solar battery. 5. He is reported to be measuring voltage.


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