I think (believe) – я думаю (полагаю) 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


I think (believe) – я думаю (полагаю)


I’m sure that … – Я уверен, что …


1. Non-verbal communication doesn’t play an important part in doing business.

2. Oral communication often combines elements of verbal and non-verbal communication.

3. Communication by phone is the best way of decision-making and reaching a consensus.

4. The auditory element becomes the principal conveyor of meaning when it comes to telephone conversations.

5. There are two main features of business writing: formality and special style.

6. People may use business writing only if they work in the office.

4. Работа в парах. Составьте пять общих и пять специальных вопросов по тексту. Проверьте правильность составления вопросов друг у друга. Задайте их друг другу и дайте ответы.

Работа в парах. Обсудите в форме диалога, какие преимущества и недостатки могут иметь следующие виды делового общения: личное общение, общение по телефону, письменное общение.

Используя диаграмму из упражнения 2, составьте краткий пересказ текста.

  Любой деловой текст включает в себя такие высокочастотные английские глаголы, как do, make, get, come, run, etc. – глаголы широкой семантики; образующие самые многочисленные грамматические формы, словосочетания и идиомы. В деловом английском языке часто используются общеизвестные и распространенные слова, которые в деловом контексте получают новые значения: e.g. to run a training programme – проводить обучающую программу, to be promoted – получить повышение по службе.

Подберите русские эквиваленты к словосочетаниям и выражениям из левой колонки.

1. to make a profit a. написать/составить отчет
2. to make a complaint b. договориться о встрече
3. to make a loss c. составить резюме
4. to make a CV d. управлять компанией
5. to make an appointment e. платить наличными
6. to make inquiries f. вести протокол (совещания/заседания)
7. to do business with a company g. ездить в командировку
8. to run a company h. навести справки
9. to run out of time i. укладываться в сроки
10. to write a report j. написать сопроводительное письмо
11. to write a covering letter k. приносить прибыль
12. to go on a business trip l. оплачивать кредитной картой
13. to go bankrupt m. не укладываться во времени
14. to pay cash n. обанкротиться
15. to pay by a credit card o. понести убытки
16. to pay in advance p. вести дела с компанией
17. to meet the deadline q. делать предоплату
18. to meet the requirements r. отвечать (соответствовать) требованиям
19. to take the minutes s. ответить на телефонный звонок
20. to take a call t. подать жалобу/обратиться с жалобой

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя словосочетания из упражнения 7.


1. Как будете платить: наличными или кредитной картой?

2. Я сделал несколько телефонных звонков и навел справки обо всех потенциальных конкурентах. Всю подробную информацию Вы найдете в отчете, который я подготовил.

3. Кто в вашем отделе отвечает за ведение протокола на совещаниях?

4. Если мы продолжим вести дела с этими поставщиками, мы скоро понесем убытки.

5. Кто управляет этой компанией? – Я не знаю, я работаю здесь всего лишь неделю.

6. Вы часто ездите в командировки за границу? – Нет, не часто. Честно говоря, это моя первая поездка за рубеж.

7. Вы слышали новость? Наш главный конкурент обанкротился!

8. Он очень занятый человек. Если Вы хотите поговорить с ним с глазу на глаз, Вам необходимо договориться о встрече заранее.

9. Если Вы хотите устроиться на работу, Вам необходимо составить резюме и написать сопроводительное письмо.

10. Наша работа очень напряженная; мы постоянно должны укладываться в сроки.

9. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Asmah Hello, Hasnah. You are looking worried. ______1______ (to express concern)
Hasnah I'm rather upset. I failed the Mathematics test again.
Asmah ______2______ (to express sympathy) Have you thought of getting some tuition?
Hasnah I think I'll have to.
Asmah I'm sure you'll be able to do better. ______3______ (to encourage) You have to practice a lot.
Hasnah Thanks for the advice.


1.   To express concern  
    A Can I help?  
    B Tell me about it.  
    C What's the problem?  
    D I hope nothing is wrong.  
2.   To express sympathy  
    A You need help.  
    B I'd like to help.  
    C That's not so bad.  
    D I'm sorry to hear that.  
3.   To encourage  
    A Cheer up.  
    B Don't be worried.  
    C Just keep on trying.  
    D There’s always another time  
Rosnah How much is this microwave oven?
Salesgirl It's $850.
Rosnah ______1______ (to bargain) That's beyond my budget.
Salesgirl ______2______ (to refuse)
Rosnah Do you have a cheaper model?
Salesgirl Yes. ______3______ (to suggest) It's only $600.


1.   To bargain  
    A It's quite expensive.  
    B Do you offer a discount?  
    C Can you reduce the price?  
.   To refuse  
    A The prices are fixed.  
    B I'm afraid I can't.  
    C It's a very good price.  
    D I'm giving you a fair price.  


.   To suggest  
    A What about this one?  
    B This model is smaller.  
    C Do you like this one?  
    D I think you will like this one.  



1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.


1. Do you have any strategies for starting conversations with people you see for the first time?

2. Do you think it is possible to learn the skills of keeping the conversation going?

3. Which topics do you consider to be safe for the first conversation?

4. Which topics will you try to avoid not insulting or offending your partner?

5. What is a small talk? Why do you think it is important in business communication?


2. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Дайте краткие ответы на поставленные в тексте вопросы.




WHO makes small talk?

People with many different relationships use small talk. Though we often teach children not to talk to strangers, adults are expected to say at least a few words in certain situations. It is also common for people who are only acquaintances to use small talk. Other people who have short casual conversations are office employees who may not be good friends but work in the same department. Customer service representatives, waitresses, hairdressers and receptionists often make small talk with customers. If you happen to be outside when the mailman comes to your door you might make small talk with him too.


WHAT do people make small talk about?

There are certain "safe" topics that people usually make small talk about. The weather is probably the number one thing that people who do not know each other well discuss. Another topic that is generally safe is current events. As long as you are not discussing a controversial issue, such as a recent law concerning equal rights, it is usually safe to discuss the news. Sports news is a very common topic, especially if a local team or player is in a tournament or play-off or doing extremely well or badly. Entertainment news, such as a celebrity who is in town, is another good topic. If there is something that you and the other speaker have in common, that may also be acceptable to talk about. There are also some subjects that are not considered acceptable when making small talk. Discussing personal information such as salaries or a recent divorce is not done between people who do not know each other well. Compliments on clothing or hair are acceptable; however, you should never say something (good or bad) about a person's body. Negative comments about another person not involved in the conversation are also not acceptable. Also, it is not safe to discuss subjects that society deems controversial such as religion or politics. Lastly, it is not wise to continue talking about an issue that the other person does not seem comfortable with or interested in.

WHERE do people make small talk?

People make small talk just about anywhere, but there are certain places where it is very common. Most often, small talk occurs in places where people are waiting for something. For example, you might chat with another person who is waiting for the bus to arrive, or to the person beside you waiting to get on an airplane. People also make small talk in a doctor's or dentist's waiting room, or in queues at the grocery store. At the office, people make small talk in elevators or lunchrooms and even in restrooms, especially if there is a line-up. Some social events (such as a party) require small talk among guests who do not know each other very well.


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