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Listen to the text again and complete the sentences.
Содержание книги
- Pre-listening match the words from the left column with their Ukrainian equivalents in the right column.
- Listen to the text and complete the sentences.
- Match the items in two columns in order to make correct Type 0 conditional sentences, as in the example.
- What other geometric figures do you know? Name the objects in the classroom that have the shape of a circle, triangle, square, rectangle, oval, arc, cube, cylinder, hexagon, etc.
- Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once.
- Listen to the text and answer the following questions.
- Use the information from the table to complete the sentences below.
- Match the measuring instruments to their names.
- Pre-listening: match the words in the left column with their Ukrainian equivalents in the right column.
- Listen to the text and fill in the gaps.
- These tasks can help you to practise grammar topic “The Articles – Countable/ Uncountable Nouns” (See Appendix 1 p. 198 – 199) and do the following exercises.
- Match the invention to its inventor.
- Match the first part of the sentence (1-7) with the second one (A-G).
- Listen to the text and answer the following questions.
- Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their compounds.
- What other types of engines do you know? What is the difference between them?
- Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once.
- Listen to the text and answer the following questions.
- Underline the proper item to complete the sentences.
- Why do you think design is necessary in industry?
- Group the following words into three columns: nouns, adjectives and verbs. Some of them fit into more than one column.
- Pre-listening: match the English words with their definitions.
- what information may be included in the website
- What do you think can be done to make manufacturing more environmentally friendly? Why is it important?
- Listen to the text and answer the following questions.
- Listen to the text again and complete the sentences.
- Complete the following sentences using the correct prepositions.
- Grammar references. Іменник (the noun). Множина іменників. Присвійний відмінок іменника
- Неозначені займенники some, any, no та їх похідні somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything, nobody, no one, nothing.
- Прикметник (the Adjective) / Прислівник (the Adverb)
- good – well. hard – hard. early – early. fast – fast. late – late. long – long. high – high. straight – straight. low – low. deep – deep. right – right. near – near. wrong - wrong. good/well. bad/badly. much/many/a lot of. little. better. farther/further.
- Порядок слів у розповідному, запитальному та заперечному реченні. Коротка відповідь на запитання.
- підмет. присудок. додаток. обставина місця. обставина часу. Що робить?. I. Загальні запитання. I. Спеціальні запитання. Who didJohn see yesterday?. III. Альтернативні запитання
- Особливості вимови та написання дієслівних закінчень.
- Утворення часів активного стану (див. Зведену таблицю часів активного стану)
- Активний стан Дієслова (the Active Voice)
- Doyou work? –Doeshe work? Yes, I do. / No, he doesn’t.
- Yesterday, last night/week/month/year/Monday, та ін, two days/ weeks/months/years ago, then, when, in 1992, та ін.
- Washe / werethey watching? – Yes, he was. / No, they weren’t.
- when, while, as, all day/night/morning, та ін.
- Willhe /she / they have left? - Yes, he / she / they will. No, he / she / they won’t.
- Before, after, already, just, till/until, when, by, by the time, та ін.
- THE Present Perfect-Continuous
- the Present Simple: am/is/are + pp
- Модальні дієслова (the Modal Verbs)
- Узгодження часів (the Sequence of Tenses)
- Перетворення стверджувальних та заперечних речень у непряму мову.
- Перетворення запитальних речень у непряму мову
- Перетворення спонукальних речень з прямої у непряму мову
- Дієприкметник (the Participle)
10. Listen to the text again and complete the sentences.
1. Some Asian countries use chopsticks to eat _______.
2. Those companies need more _______.
3. They started making _______ for export to China.
4. End of this month, we’ll have seven _______ coming in. So it’ll increase to four million per day.
5. Georgia Chopsticks isn’t making any _______ yet.
11. Work in pairs. You are a reporter interviewing a chief manager of a big manufacturing company. Think about questions that you would like to ask him during the interview (student A – a reporter, student B – a chief manager).
12. Work in small groups. Use the Internet, magazines and newspapers to find stories about modern technologies of recycling waste materials which big manufacturing companies introduce. Discuss benefits and problems of these technologies.
13. Imagine that you work in the technical department of a manufacturing company. Write a short paragraph (60-80 words) about one of the modern manufacturing processes. Describe:
- how the process works
- what stages are involved in manufacturing
- any advantages / disadvantages it has
- what it is used for.
These tasks can help you to practise the Prepositions (See Appendix 1 p. 205 – 207) and do the following exercises.
14. Complete the following sentences using the correct preposition or linking word.
1. Manufacturing is producing goods that are necessary ….. modern life.
2. Originally manufacturing was accomplished ….. hand, but most of today's modern manufacturing operations are highly mechanized and automated.
3. There are three main processes involved ….. virtually all manufacturing: assembly, extraction, and alteration.
4. Extraction is the process ….. removing one or more components ….. raw materials, such as obtaining gasoline ….. crude oil.
5. Assembly is the combination ….. parts to make a product.
6. The Industrial Revolution began ….. England ….. the middle ….. the 18th century.
7. Manufacturing has existed ….. long ….. civilizations have required goods.