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tīvraughāṁ bhaktim udvahan


tīvraughāṁ bhaktim udvahan

dadarśātmani bhūteṣu

tam evāvasthitaṁ vibhum

Engaged in intense bhakti to the infallible Lord, the soul of all beings, who is different from all others, he saw the Lord alone situated in all beings and in himself. 

Kings perform sacrifices to please the devatās and brāhmaṇas. Without doing so the King’s work cannot be accomplished. In compliance to that, his likeness alone performed these actions. In actuality, he did not have time for such actions. That is explained in this verse. He performed bhakti to the Lord is the soul of all beings (sarvātmani), who is different from all others (asarve). By power of his mature meditation he saw the Lord within his heart (ātmani) and externally in all beings.

|| 4.12.12 ||

tam evaṁ śīla-sampannaṁ

brahmaṇyaṁ dīna-vatsalam

goptāraṁ dharma-setūnāṁ

menire pitaraṁ prajāḥ

The citizens considered Dhruva, protector of the rules of dharma, who was endowed with all good qualities, respectful to brāhmaṇas, and affectionate to the miserable, to be their father. 

|| 4.12.13 ||


śaśāsa kṣiti-maṇḍalam

bhogaiḥ puṇya-kṣayaṁ kurvann

abhogair aśubha-kṣayam

Desiring to decrease his pious results by enjoyment and destroy his sinful reactions by austerity, he ruled the earth for thirty-six thousand years.

He destroyed sinful reactions by vratas and sense control (abhoghaiḥ). The present participle kurvan (doing) has the sense of an infinitive. The infinitive has a sense of “wanting to.” “Devadatta goes to enjoy” means “Devadatta goes, desiring to enjoy.” Thus the meaning of the verse is “Desiring to destroy sinful reactions by vratas, and destroying pious reactions by enjoyment, Dhruva ruled for thirty-six thousand years.” However, this desire to destroy reactions is exhibited out of humility. Actually he did not have any pious or sinful reactions since he had developed prema.

|| 4.12.14-15 ||


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