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tīvraughāṁ bhaktim udvahan
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- daivīṁ māyām upāśritya. prasupta iva bhinna-dṛk. tapye dvitīye 'py asati. bhrātṛ-bhrātṛvya-hṛd-rujā. Taking shelter of the Lord’s māyā, seeing differences, pained in the
- na vai mukundasya padāravindayo
- mahiṣyau rukma-bhūṣite
- pariṣvajyāha jīveti. bāṣpa-gadgadayā girā. yasya prasanno bhagavān. guṇair maitry-ādibhir hariḥ. tasmai namanti bhūtāni. nimnam āpa iva svayam. Just as water flows naturally to a lo
- mṛtyuṁ jigyuḥ sudurjayam
- lājākṣataiḥ puṣpa-phalais
- padmotpala-kumud-vatīḥ
- In another wife, named Ilā, who was the daughter of Vāyu, he begot a son named Utkala and a very beautiful daughter.
- matvā nirastam ātmānam
- udatiṣṭhad rathas tasya
- rakṣo-gaṇāḥ kṣatriya-varya-sāyakaiḥ
- tataḥ khe 'dṛśyata girir
- Svāyambhuva Manu Instructs Dhruva
- nikṛtta-bāhūru-śirodharodarān
- prasaṅgād bahavo hatāḥ
- maitryā cākhila-jantuṣu
- bhūtaiḥ pañcabhir ārabdhair
- sa khalv idaṁ bhagavān kāla-śaktyā
- na vai sva-pakṣo 'sya vipakṣa eva vā
- nānā-śakty-udayasya ca
- nājyate guṇa-karmabhiḥ
- vyapāśritaṁ nirguṇam ekam akṣaram
- loka udvijate bhṛśam
- bho bhoḥ kṣatriya-dāyāda
- mattas tvam auttānapade 'viśaṅkitaḥ
- tīvraughāṁ bhaktim udvahan
- mahātmāvicalendriyaḥ
- bhaktiṁ harau bhagavati pravahann ajasram
- taṁ kṛṣṇa-pādābhiniviṣṭa-cetasaṁ
- uttamaśloka-maulinā. upasthāpitam āyuṣmann. adhiroḍhuṁ tvam arhasi. O immortal! You are qualified to board this excellent plane sent by the best of famous persons.. maitreya uvāca. niśamya vaikuṇṭ
- sunītiṁ jananīṁ dhruvaḥ
- sarva-bhūtānurañjanāḥ
- bhinnena yāto hṛdayena dūyatā
- mahattvam icchatāṁ tīrthaṁ
- idaṁ mayā te 'bhihitaṁ kurūdvaha
- bhagavān yajña-pūruṣaḥ
- He appeared on the road to unintelligent people to be retarded, blind, deaf, mad, and dumb though he was not. He was like a fire with extinguished flames.
- aṅgaṁ sumanasaṁ khyātiṁ
- prajābhir aghavān api
- na gṛhṇanti grahān iha
- tasmāt puruṣa uttasthau
- sanair vividhair nṛpaḥ
- evaṁ sa nirviṇṇa-manā nṛpo gṛhān
- bhṛgv-ādayas te munayo
- paryaṭan ratham āsthāya
- sa jighāṁsati vai prajāḥ
- aiśvaryād avarohati. O hero! Do not destroy dharma, which brings benefit to the citizens. If dharma is destroyed, the King will fall from his position.. rājann asādhv-amātyebhyaś. corādibhyaḥ prajā nṛpa&
- vitāyamānena surāḥ kalā hareḥ
- itthaṁ viparyaya-matiḥ
- When the sages returned to their homes, lamenting Sunīthā preserved the body of her son by use of mantras.
tīvraughāṁ bhaktim udvahan
dadarśātmani bhūteṣu
tam evāvasthitaṁ vibhum
Engaged in intense bhakti to the infallible Lord, the soul of all beings, who is different from all others, he saw the Lord alone situated in all beings and in himself.
Kings perform sacrifices to please the devatās and brāhmaṇas. Without doing so the King’s work cannot be accomplished. In compliance to that, his likeness alone performed these actions. In actuality, he did not have time for such actions. That is explained in this verse. He performed bhakti to the Lord is the soul of all beings (sarvātmani), who is different from all others (asarve). By power of his mature meditation he saw the Lord within his heart (ātmani) and externally in all beings.
|| 4.12.12 ||
tam evaṁ śīla-sampannaṁ
brahmaṇyaṁ dīna-vatsalam
goptāraṁ dharma-setūnāṁ
menire pitaraṁ prajāḥ
The citizens considered Dhruva, protector of the rules of dharma, who was endowed with all good qualities, respectful to brāhmaṇas, and affectionate to the miserable, to be their father.
|| 4.12.13 ||
śaśāsa kṣiti-maṇḍalam
bhogaiḥ puṇya-kṣayaṁ kurvann
abhogair aśubha-kṣayam
Desiring to decrease his pious results by enjoyment and destroy his sinful reactions by austerity, he ruled the earth for thirty-six thousand years.
He destroyed sinful reactions by vratas and sense control (abhoghaiḥ). The present participle kurvan (doing) has the sense of an infinitive. The infinitive has a sense of “wanting to.” “Devadatta goes to enjoy” means “Devadatta goes, desiring to enjoy.” Thus the meaning of the verse is “Desiring to destroy sinful reactions by vratas, and destroying pious reactions by enjoyment, Dhruva ruled for thirty-six thousand years.” However, this desire to destroy reactions is exhibited out of humility. Actually he did not have any pious or sinful reactions since he had developed prema.
|| 4.12.14-15 ||