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matvā nirastam ātmānam


iṣubhiḥ sarva eva hi

matvā nirastam ātmānam

āśaṁsan karma tasya tat

Shot in the forehead by arrows, they all thought they would be defeated, but praised Dhruva’s action.


They praised him in their minds.

|| 4.9.10 ||

te 'pi cāmum amṛṣyantaḥ

pāda-sparśam ivoragāḥ

śarair avidhyan yugapad

dvi-guṇaṁ pracikīrṣavaḥ

Intolerant of the arrows just as snakes are intolerant of the touch of a foot, the Yakṣas simultaneously fired twice as many arrows in retaliation.


“Twice as many” means that each person fired six arrows at once in retaliation.

|| 4.9.11-12 ||

tataḥ parigha-nistriṁśaiḥ


śakty-ṛṣṭibhir bhuśuṇḍībhiś

citra-vājaiḥ śarair api

abhyavarṣan prakupitāḥ

sarathaṁ saha-sārathim

icchantas tat pratīkartum

ayutānāṁ trayodaśa

130,000 Yakṣa soldiers, greatly angry, desiring to defeat Dhruva, showered him, along with his chariot and charioteer, with various types of feathered arrows, iron clubs, swords, tridents, lances, pikes, spears and bhuśuṇḍī weapons.

|| 4.9.13 ||

auttānapādiḥ sa tadā

śastra-varṣeṇa bhūriṇā

na evādṛśyatācchanna

āsāreṇa yathā giriḥ

Like a mountain covered by torrents of rain, Dhruva could not be seen, since he was covered by a shower of weapons at that time.

He could not be seen, like a mountain covered by heavy showers of rain (āsāreṇa).

|| 4.9.14 ||

hāhā-kāras tadaivāsīt

siddhānāṁ divi paśyatām

hato 'yaṁ mānavaḥ sūryo

magnaḥ puṇya-janārṇave

Cries of dismay arose from the Siddhas watching in the sky. “He has been killed. The grandson of Manu, the sun, has sunk in the ocean of the Yakṣas.”

Like the sun in ocean he has disappeared in the ocean of Yakṣas. The hidden meaning is that even in the condition, Dhruva could not be harmed, just as the sun is not harmed by setting in the ocean.


|| 4.9.15 ||


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