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yānty añjasācyuta-padam


The friends of the Lord, those who are peaceful, seeing all things equally, pure, and pleasing to all beings, easily go to the Lord’s abode.

|| 4.12.38 ||

ity uttānapadaḥ putro

dhruvaḥ kṛṣṇa-parāyaṇaḥ

abhūt trayāṇāṁ lokānāṁ

cūḍā-maṇir ivāmalaḥ

Thus, pure Dhruva, son of Uttānapada, who was surrendered to Kṛṣṇa, was the crest jewel of the three planetary systems.

|| 4.12.39 ||

gambhīra-vego 'nimiṣaṁ

jyotiṣāṁ cakram āhitam

yasmin bhramati kauravya

meḍhyām iva gavāṁ gaṇaḥ

O Vidura! Around him, the zodiac belt with planets and stars circles incessantly, like a herd of bulls going around a central pillar with great speed.

Time is always awake. Thus the planets circle incessantly. “Great speed” modifies the herd of bulls.

|| 4.12.40 ||

mahimānaṁ vilokyāsya

nārado bhagavān ṛṣiḥ

ātodyaṁ vitudañ ślokān

satre 'gāyat pracetasām

Seeing the glories of Dhruva, Nārada, playing on his vīṇā, sang verses in the sacrificial arena of the Pracetas.

Nārada played (vinudan) his vīṇā (āotdyam).

|| 4.12.41 ||

nārada uvāca

nūnaṁ sunīteḥ pati-devatāyās

tapaḥ-prabhāvasya sutasya tāṁ gatim

dṛṣṭvābhyupāyān api veda-vādino

naivādhigantuṁ prabhavanti kiṁ nṛpāḥ

Nārada said: Followers of the Vedas, what to speak of kings, seeing the goal attained by chaste Sunīti’s son who severe austerity incarnate, could not obtain the method by which he attained the goal, what to speak of the attainment.

Dhruva was the personification of severe austerities. Even on seeing his attainment, sages, what to speak of kings, could not attain the esoteric practice for that attainment, what to speak of the attainment itself.


|| 4.12.42 ||

yaḥ pañca-varṣo guru-dāra-vāk-śarair


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