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bhagavān yajña-pūruṣaḥ


bhagavān yajña-pūruṣaḥ

ijyamāno bhaktimatā

nāradeneritaḥ kila

The Lord enjoyer of sacrifice, worshipped by the Pracetas, who performed their duty, was praised by devoted Nārada.


The Lord, having been worshipped by the Pracetas, who practiced their duties (sva-dharma-śīlaiḥ), was then praised by Nārada.

|| 4.13.5 ||

yās tā devarṣiṇā tatra

varṇitā bhagavat-kathāḥ

mahyaṁ śuśrūṣave brahman

kārtsnyenācaṣṭum arhasi

O brāhmaṇa! You should describe fully to me, eager to hear, the topics of the Lord which Nārada spoke.

|| 4.13.6 ||

maitreya uvāca

dhruvasya cotkalaḥ putraḥ

pitari prasthite vanam

sārvabhauma-śriyaṁ naicchad

adhirājāsanaṁ pituḥ

Maitreya said: When Dhruva departed to the forest, his son Utkala did not want the throne of his father or the wealth of the whole earth.

Since the Pracetas were born in Dhruva’s dynasty, the story of the Pracetas will appear in narration of Dhruva’s descendents. The description is for that purpose.

|| 4.13.7 ||

sa janmanopaśāntātmā

niḥsaṅgaḥ sama-darśanaḥ

dadarśa loke vitatam

ātmānaṁ lokam ātmani

From his birth Utkala was peaceful, without attachments, and saw all beings as his self. He saw the Lord pervading everything in the world and the whole world within the Lord.

From his birth, he was a jñānī (upaśāntātmā).

|| 4.13.8-9 ||

ātmānaṁ brahma nirvāṇaṁ



ānandam anusantatam



svarūpam avarundhāno

nātmano 'nyaṁ tadaikṣata

Realizing the jīva as Brahman, which was peaceful, devoid of argument, pure knowledge, bliss, and all-pervading, and having burned up all contamination of karma in his heart by the continuous fire of yoga, Utkala saw nothing except the pure jīva.

He knew the svarūpa of the jīva as Brahman, tranquillity (nirvāṇam), devoid of argument. What was that ātmā? It was completely one with the essence of knowledge; it was pure knowledge (avabodha-rasaikatmyam). Utkala’s heart had burned all contamination of karma by the continuous fire of yoga. He saw nothing except the pure jīva (ātmanaḥ).


|| 4.13.10 ||



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