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He appeared on the road to unintelligent people to be retarded, blind, deaf, mad, and dumb though he was not. He was like a fire with extinguished flames.
mūkākṛtir atan-matiḥ
lakṣitaḥ pathi bālānāṁ
praśāntārcir ivānalaḥ
He appeared on the road to unintelligent people to be retarded, blind, deaf, mad, and dumb though he was not. He was like a fire with extinguished flames.
On the path, he appeared to be retarded to the foolish people, but he did not have the intellect of a fool (atan-matiḥ).
|| 4.13.11 ||
matvā taṁ jaḍam unmattaṁ
kula-vṛddhāḥ samantriṇaḥ
vatsaraṁ bhūpatiṁ cakrur
yavīyāṁsaṁ bhrameḥ sutam
Thinking that Utkala was retarded or mad, the elders of the dynasty along with the ministers enthroned Vatsara, his younger brother, the son of Bhrami, as the King.
|| 4.13.12 ||
svarvīthir vatsarasyeṣṭā
bhāryāsūta ṣaḍ-ātmajān
puṣpārṇaṁ tigmaketuṁ ca
iṣam ūrjaṁ vasuṁ jayam
Svarvīthi, Vatsara’s dear wife, gave birth to six sons, named Puṣpārṇa, Tigmaketu, Iṣa, Ūrja, Vasu and Jaya.
|| 4.13.13 ||
puṣpārṇasya prabhā bhāryā
doṣā ca dve babhūvatuḥ
prātar madhyandinaṁ sāyam
iti hy āsan prabhā-sutāḥ
Puṣpārṇa had two wives, named Prabhā and Doṣā. Prabhā’s three sons were Prātar, Madhyandina and Sāya.
|| 4.13.14 ||
pradoṣo niśitho vyuṣṭa
iti doṣā-sutās trayaḥ
vyuṣṭaḥ sutaṁ puṣkariṇyāṁ
sarvatejasam ādadhe
Doṣa had three sons, Pradoṣa, Niśitha, and Vyuṣṭa. Vyuṣṭa begot a son named Sarvatejā in his wife Puṣkariṇī.
|| 4.13.15-16 ||
sa cakṣuḥ sutam ākūtyāṁ
patnyāṁ manum avāpa ha
manor asūta mahiṣī
virajān naḍvalā sutān
puruṁ kutsaṁ tritaṁ dyumnaṁ
satyavantam ṛtaṁ vratam
agniṣṭomam atīrātraṁ
pradyumnaṁ śibim ulmukam
Sarvatejā, also called Cakṣu, begot a son named Cākṣuṣa Manu in his wife Ākūti. Naḍvalā, the queen of Cākṣuṣa Manu, gave birth to sons without passion: Puru, Kutsa, Trita, Dyumna, Satyavān, Ṛta, Vrata, Agniṣṭoma, Atīrātra, Pradyumna, Śibi and Ulmuka.
Sarvatejā, called Cakṣu, begot a son named Cākuṣa Manu. It is said:
ṣaṣṭhaś ca cakṣuṣaḥ putraś cākṣuṣo nāma vai manuḥ
pūru-pūruṣa-sudyumna-pramukhāś cākṣuṣātmajāḥ
The son of Cakṣu known as Cākṣuṣa was the sixth Manu. He had many sons, headed by Pūru, Pūruṣa and Sudyumna. SB 8.5.8
|| 4.13.17 ||
ulmuko 'janayat putrān