sunītiṁ jananīṁ dhruvaḥ
Содержание книги
- lājākṣataiḥ puṣpa-phalais
- padmotpala-kumud-vatīḥ
- In another wife, named Ilā, who was the daughter of Vāyu, he begot a son named Utkala and a very beautiful daughter.
- matvā nirastam ātmānam
- udatiṣṭhad rathas tasya
- rakṣo-gaṇāḥ kṣatriya-varya-sāyakaiḥ
- tataḥ khe 'dṛśyata girir
- Svāyambhuva Manu Instructs Dhruva
- nikṛtta-bāhūru-śirodharodarān
- prasaṅgād bahavo hatāḥ
- maitryā cākhila-jantuṣu
- bhūtaiḥ pañcabhir ārabdhair
- sa khalv idaṁ bhagavān kāla-śaktyā
- na vai sva-pakṣo 'sya vipakṣa eva vā
- nānā-śakty-udayasya ca
- nājyate guṇa-karmabhiḥ
- vyapāśritaṁ nirguṇam ekam akṣaram
- loka udvijate bhṛśam
- bho bhoḥ kṣatriya-dāyāda
- mattas tvam auttānapade 'viśaṅkitaḥ
- tīvraughāṁ bhaktim udvahan
- mahātmāvicalendriyaḥ
- bhaktiṁ harau bhagavati pravahann ajasram
- taṁ kṛṣṇa-pādābhiniviṣṭa-cetasaṁ
- uttamaśloka-maulinā. upasthāpitam āyuṣmann. adhiroḍhuṁ tvam arhasi. O immortal! You are qualified to board this excellent plane sent by the best of famous persons.. maitreya uvāca. niśamya vaikuṇṭ
- sunītiṁ jananīṁ dhruvaḥ
- sarva-bhūtānurañjanāḥ
- bhinnena yāto hṛdayena dūyatā
- mahattvam icchatāṁ tīrthaṁ
- idaṁ mayā te 'bhihitaṁ kurūdvaha
- bhagavān yajña-pūruṣaḥ
- He appeared on the road to unintelligent people to be retarded, blind, deaf, mad, and dumb though he was not. He was like a fire with extinguished flames.
- aṅgaṁ sumanasaṁ khyātiṁ
- prajābhir aghavān api
- na gṛhṇanti grahān iha
- tasmāt puruṣa uttasthau
- sanair vividhair nṛpaḥ
- evaṁ sa nirviṇṇa-manā nṛpo gṛhān
- bhṛgv-ādayas te munayo
- paryaṭan ratham āsthāya
- sa jighāṁsati vai prajāḥ
- aiśvaryād avarohati. O hero! Do not destroy dharma, which brings benefit to the citizens. If dharma is destroyed, the King will fall from his position.. rājann asādhv-amātyebhyaś. corādibhyaḥ prajā nṛpa&
- vitāyamānena surāḥ kalā hareḥ
- itthaṁ viparyaya-matiḥ
- When the sages returned to their homes, lamenting Sunīthā preserved the body of her son by use of mantras.
- bhinna-bhāṇḍāt payo yathā
- vena-kalmaṣam ulbaṇam
- bhaviṣyati pṛthu-śravāḥ
- tasyābhiṣeka ārabdho
- daśa-candram asiṁ rudraḥ
sunītiṁ jananīṁ dhruvaḥ
anvasmarad agaṁ hitvā
dīnāṁ yāsye tri-viṣṭapam
As he was ascending to the Lord’s planet, he remembered his mother Sunīti. “Giving up this place that no one can attain, the abode of Viṣṇu, I will go to my unfortunate mother.”
Agam means “not attained by anyone.” Tripiṣṭapam means the abode of the Viṣṇu.
|| 4.12.33 ||
iti vyavasitaṁ tasya
vyavasāya surottamau
darśayām āsatur devīṁ
puro yānena gacchatīm
Understanding the desire of Dhruva, the two associates of the Lord showed him that his mother was also going by an airplane in front of him.
Vyavasitaṁ tasya vyavasāya means “understanding his desire.”
|| 4.12.34||
tatra tatra praśaṁsadbhiḥ
pathi vaimānikaiḥ suraiḥ
avakīryamāṇo dadṛśe
kusumaiḥ kramaśo grahān
While being showered with flowers here and there by devatās who were praising him in other planes on that path, Dhruva saw the many planets one after the other.
|| 4.12.35 ||
tri-lokīṁ deva-yānena
so 'tivrajya munīn api
parastād yad dhruva-gatir
viṣṇoḥ padam athābhyagāt
Flying beyond the three worlds, he whose planet is Dhruvaloka arrived at the Lord’s planet beyond the seven sages.
He arrived at the planet of Viṣṇu beyond the planet of the seven sages.[6] Dhruva is described as “having the fixed goal, having Dhruvaloka as his planet.”
|| 4.12.36 ||
yad bhrājamānaṁ sva-rucaiva sarvato
lokās trayo hy anu vibhrājanta ete
yan nāvrajañ jantuṣu ye 'nanugrahā
vrajanti bhadrāṇi caranti ye 'niśam
He reached that shining planet, by whose effulgence the three worlds shine, which those who are not merciful do not reach but which those who constantly engage in good actions reach.
By the shining of that planet other planets subsequently (anu) shine.
|| 4.12.37 ||
śāntāḥ sama-dṛśaḥ śuddhāḥ