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mattas tvam auttānapade 'viśaṅkitaḥ


mattas tvam auttānapade 'viśaṅkitaḥ

varaṁ varārho 'mbuja-nābha-pādayor

anantaraṁ tvāṁ vayam aṅga śuśruma

O King! Son of Uttānapada! Please ask any benediction in your mind from me without hesitation. We who should give you benedictions have heard that you are very close to the feet of the Lord.

Anantaram means “without obstacle, very close.”

|| 4.12.8 ||

maitreya uvāca

sa rāja-rājena varāya codito

dhruvo mahā-bhāgavato mahā-matiḥ

harau sa vavre 'calitāṁ smṛtiṁ yayā

taraty ayatnena duratyayaṁ tamaḥ

Maitreya said: When Kuvera requested him to ask for a benediction, the great devotee Dhruva, of high intelligence, asked that he should have fixed remembrance of the Lord, by which he could cross the insurmountable ignorance of material existence easily.

Rāja-rājena means “who exists in all people who reside with the King.” This refers to Kuvera.

|| 4.12.9 ||

tasya prītena manasā

tāṁ dattvaiḍaviḍas tataḥ

paśyato 'ntardadhe so 'pi

sva-puraṁ pratyapadyata

Pleased with Dhruva, Kuvera gave him remembrance of the Lord and then disappeared as Dhruva watched. Dhruva then returned to his city.

Aidavidaḥ means Kuvera.

|| 4.12.10 ||

athāyajata yajñeśaṁ

kratubhir bhūri-dakṣiṇaiḥ


karma karma-phala-pradam

By sacrifices and profuse charities he then worshipped the Lord of sacrifice, who facilitates actions related to the materials, ceremonies and devatās and who gives the results of sacrifice.

Dravya-kriyā-devatānāṁ karma karma-phala-pradam means that the Lord alone creates the activities related to the ingredients, rituals and devatās and he alone creates the results of the activities.

|| 4.12.11 ||

sarvātmany acyute 'sarve


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