mattas tvam auttānapade 'viśaṅkitaḥ
Содержание книги
- samādhinā naika-bhavena yat padaṁ
- daivīṁ māyām upāśritya. prasupta iva bhinna-dṛk. tapye dvitīye 'py asati. bhrātṛ-bhrātṛvya-hṛd-rujā. Taking shelter of the Lord’s māyā, seeing differences, pained in the
- na vai mukundasya padāravindayo
- mahiṣyau rukma-bhūṣite
- pariṣvajyāha jīveti. bāṣpa-gadgadayā girā. yasya prasanno bhagavān. guṇair maitry-ādibhir hariḥ. tasmai namanti bhūtāni. nimnam āpa iva svayam. Just as water flows naturally to a lo
- mṛtyuṁ jigyuḥ sudurjayam
- lājākṣataiḥ puṣpa-phalais
- padmotpala-kumud-vatīḥ
- In another wife, named Ilā, who was the daughter of Vāyu, he begot a son named Utkala and a very beautiful daughter.
- matvā nirastam ātmānam
- udatiṣṭhad rathas tasya
- rakṣo-gaṇāḥ kṣatriya-varya-sāyakaiḥ
- tataḥ khe 'dṛśyata girir
- Svāyambhuva Manu Instructs Dhruva
- nikṛtta-bāhūru-śirodharodarān
- prasaṅgād bahavo hatāḥ
- maitryā cākhila-jantuṣu
- bhūtaiḥ pañcabhir ārabdhair
- sa khalv idaṁ bhagavān kāla-śaktyā
- na vai sva-pakṣo 'sya vipakṣa eva vā
- nānā-śakty-udayasya ca
- nājyate guṇa-karmabhiḥ
- vyapāśritaṁ nirguṇam ekam akṣaram
- loka udvijate bhṛśam
- bho bhoḥ kṣatriya-dāyāda
- mattas tvam auttānapade 'viśaṅkitaḥ
- tīvraughāṁ bhaktim udvahan
- mahātmāvicalendriyaḥ
- bhaktiṁ harau bhagavati pravahann ajasram
- taṁ kṛṣṇa-pādābhiniviṣṭa-cetasaṁ
- uttamaśloka-maulinā. upasthāpitam āyuṣmann. adhiroḍhuṁ tvam arhasi. O immortal! You are qualified to board this excellent plane sent by the best of famous persons.. maitreya uvāca. niśamya vaikuṇṭ
- sunītiṁ jananīṁ dhruvaḥ
- sarva-bhūtānurañjanāḥ
- bhinnena yāto hṛdayena dūyatā
- mahattvam icchatāṁ tīrthaṁ
- idaṁ mayā te 'bhihitaṁ kurūdvaha
- bhagavān yajña-pūruṣaḥ
- He appeared on the road to unintelligent people to be retarded, blind, deaf, mad, and dumb though he was not. He was like a fire with extinguished flames.
- aṅgaṁ sumanasaṁ khyātiṁ
- prajābhir aghavān api
- na gṛhṇanti grahān iha
- tasmāt puruṣa uttasthau
- sanair vividhair nṛpaḥ
- evaṁ sa nirviṇṇa-manā nṛpo gṛhān
- bhṛgv-ādayas te munayo
- paryaṭan ratham āsthāya
- sa jighāṁsati vai prajāḥ
- aiśvaryād avarohati. O hero! Do not destroy dharma, which brings benefit to the citizens. If dharma is destroyed, the King will fall from his position.. rājann asādhv-amātyebhyaś. corādibhyaḥ prajā nṛpa&
- vitāyamānena surāḥ kalā hareḥ
- itthaṁ viparyaya-matiḥ
mattas tvam auttānapade 'viśaṅkitaḥ
varaṁ varārho 'mbuja-nābha-pādayor
anantaraṁ tvāṁ vayam aṅga śuśruma
O King! Son of Uttānapada! Please ask any benediction in your mind from me without hesitation. We who should give you benedictions have heard that you are very close to the feet of the Lord.
Anantaram means “without obstacle, very close.”
|| 4.12.8 ||
maitreya uvāca
sa rāja-rājena varāya codito
dhruvo mahā-bhāgavato mahā-matiḥ
harau sa vavre 'calitāṁ smṛtiṁ yayā
taraty ayatnena duratyayaṁ tamaḥ
Maitreya said: When Kuvera requested him to ask for a benediction, the great devotee Dhruva, of high intelligence, asked that he should have fixed remembrance of the Lord, by which he could cross the insurmountable ignorance of material existence easily.
Rāja-rājena means “who exists in all people who reside with the King.” This refers to Kuvera.
|| 4.12.9 ||
tasya prītena manasā
tāṁ dattvaiḍaviḍas tataḥ
paśyato 'ntardadhe so 'pi
sva-puraṁ pratyapadyata
Pleased with Dhruva, Kuvera gave him remembrance of the Lord and then disappeared as Dhruva watched. Dhruva then returned to his city.
Aidavidaḥ means Kuvera.
|| 4.12.10 ||
athāyajata yajñeśaṁ
kratubhir bhūri-dakṣiṇaiḥ
karma karma-phala-pradam
By sacrifices and profuse charities he then worshipped the Lord of sacrifice, who facilitates actions related to the materials, ceremonies and devatās and who gives the results of sacrifice.
Dravya-kriyā-devatānāṁ karma karma-phala-pradam means that the Lord alone creates the activities related to the ingredients, rituals and devatās and he alone creates the results of the activities.
|| 4.12.11 ||
sarvātmany acyute 'sarve