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pariṣvajyāha jīveti. bāṣpa-gadgadayā girā. yasya prasanno bhagavān. guṇair maitry-ādibhir hariḥ. tasmai namanti bhūtāni. nimnam āpa iva svayam. Just as water flows naturally to a lo


pariṣvajyāha jīveti

bāṣpa-gadgadayā girā

Suruci raised the boy up when he fell at her feet. Embracing him, she said with choked voice and tears, “May you live long!”

|| 4.9.47 ||

yasya prasanno bhagavān

guṇair maitry-ādibhir hariḥ

tasmai namanti bhūtāni

nimnam āpa iva svayam

Just as water flows naturally to a lower level, all living beings naturally offer respect to that person with whom the Lord is pleased, because of his qualities and friendliness.


It was not impossible that Suruci could respect Dhruva.

|| 4.9.48 ||

uttamaś ca dhruvaś cobhāv

anyonyaṁ prema-vihvalau

aṅga-saṅgād utpulakāv

asraughaṁ muhur ūhatuḥ

Overwhelmed with affection, Uttama and Dhruva embraced each other. Their hairs stood on end and torrents of tears appeared.

|| 4.9.49 ||

sunītir asya jananī

prāṇebhyo 'pi priyaṁ sutam

upaguhya jahāv ādhiṁ


Embracing her son, dearer to her than her life airs, Sunīti, his mother, gave up her grief and was satisfied by touching his body.

Dhruva met his mother last, after she had recovered from fainting.

|| 4.9.50 ||

payaḥ stanābhyāṁ susrāva

netra-jaiḥ salilaiḥ śivaiḥ


vīra vīra-suvo muhuḥ

O Vidura! Milk constantly flowed from her breasts, which were sprinkled with her tears. She was the mother of a hero.

O Vidura, hero! Sunīti had given birth to a hero like you.


|| 4.9.51 ||

tāṁ śaśaṁsur janā rājñīṁ

diṣṭyā te putra ārti-hā

pratilabdhaś ciraṁ naṣṭo

rakṣitā maṇḍalaṁ bhuvaḥ

The public praised the queen. By good fortune, your son, destroyer of suffering, has returned after being lost a long time. He will protect the whole earth.

|| 4.9.52 ||

abhyarcitas tvayā nūnaṁ

bhagavān praṇatārti-hā

yad-anudhyāyino dhīrā


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