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A full or partial pardon may be granted to many category A, B and C traitors in phase 2



The tide will turn for the European Resistance Movements in phase 2 of the European civil war and many will sense that the cultural conservatives/ nationalists will eventually manage to seize political and military power. As a result of this shift, we will see a mass defection in the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist camp or at least a public flagging of sympathy to our cause. Many cultural Marxists/multiculturalists will eventually notice that the “rats are abandoning their sinking ship” during phase 2 (2030-2070). At this point in time, they will panic, knowing that they are on the extermination list of every armed nationalist resistance movement in Europe.


Unless a specific category A/B traitor have committed grave crimes, or unless we are close to winning (if it can still benefit us), we should contribute to provide incentives which will result in a scenario where a number of our enemies will defect given that they follow certain specified steps. They must publicly admit to their crimes listed in charges: 1-8 and ask the people for forgiveness by following these steps:


They must post an official “Declaration of Defection” in the largest national newspaper where the individual in question has citizenship. The declaration of defection must contain the following format and information:



Example – Declaration of Defection


Declaration of Defection


Full name ” – “ country of citizenship


I, “ full name ”, hereby acknowledge that I have betrayed my country and people by committing one, several or all of the following crimes listed here (charges 1-8): “ Paste in fuctional URL containing the full description of charges 1-8 in your language and English ”.


I hereby admit and acknowledge that multiculturalism is a European hate-ideology designed to deconstruct European identity, cultures, traditions and nation states. I used to support this anti-European hate-ideology. However, I no longer support the European cultural and demographical genocide.


Furthermore, I hereby pledge my support to the nationalist resistance movement in my country. I send my deepest apology to all European nationalists for my indirect involvement in their past persecution. This persecution was illegal, unconstitutional and undemocratic. I hereby pledge my allegiance to the nationalist cause and will from now on support them or refrain from criticising them.


Sincere regards,


Full name ” – “ country of citizenship

3 Previous job titles/occupation and year of employment ” (specification required so all individuals may be able to identify, f example: Parliamentarian for the British Labour Party, 2005-2009 etc.)



The category A/B traitor in question will then be evaluated by the leadership tribunal of the National Resistance Movement who will make a decision based on all available factors. They may issue a full pardon, a partial pardon or they may reject the request for pardon completely. The category A/B traitor in question will be contacted if he is granted a full/partial pardon. If he/she is granted a partial pardon the individual in question must allow the National Resistance Movement to expropriate a substantial portion of his property and funds which will be used to fund the resistance. The category A/B traitor will then be granted guarantees of immunity from future persecution.


3.128 Preparation for Phase 3 (2070-2083) Coup d'état



“I began the revolution with 82 men. If I had to do it again, I would do it with 10 or 15 who had absolute faith. It does not matter how small you are if you have faith and a plan of action.”


Fidel Castro



A coup d’état, often simply called a coup, is the sudden overthrow of a government by a part of the state establishment, usually the military, to replace the branch of the stricken government, either with another civil government or with a military government.


The coup d’état succeeds if its opponents fail to thwart the usurpers, allowing them to consolidate their positions, obtain the surrender of the overthrown government or acquiescence of the populace and the surviving armed forces, and thus claim legitimacy. Coups d’état typically use the power of the existing government for the takeover. As Edward Luttwak remarks in Coup d'État: A Practical Handbook: A coup consists of the infiltration of a small, but critical, segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder. In this sense, the use of either military or another organised force is not the defining feature of a coup d'état.


Tactically, a coup d’état usually involves control by an active portion of the country's military, while neutralising the remainder of the armed services' possible counteraction. The acting group captures or expels the political and military leaders, seizes physical control of the most important government offices, means of communication, and the physical infrastructure, such as key streets and electric power plants.



Types of coups d’état


A coup d’état also is classified by the rank of the military men leading the governmental overthrow. A Veto coup d’état or Guardian coup d’état is led by the army's top commanding officers (usually generals). Sometimes the commander-in-chief, or a few very top commanders are excluded, as being appointees of and loyal to the sitting regime.


In a Breakthrough coup d’état the leaders are junior officers (colonels or below), or even non-commissioned officers (sergeants), and most of the army's senior officers are displaced too.


A bloodless coup d’état is when the threat of violence is sufficient to depose the incumbent government with no fighting, and there are no subsequent executions of the deposed faction. However, a "bloodless coup d’état" is not always truly non-violent. Napoleon's 18 Brumaire coup d’état is considered an exemplar "bloodless coup", but during the coup, legislators were forcibly ejected from their meeting place by soldiers. In 1889, Brazil became a republic via a bloodless coup. In 1999, Pervez Musharraf assumed power in Pakistan via a bloodless coup, and, in 2006, Sonthi Boonyaratglin assumed power in Thailand as the leader of the Council for Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy.


The term self-coup applies when the incumbent government, aided and abetted by the military, assumes extraordinary powers not allowed by law. The historical example is President, and later French Emperor, Louis Napoléon Bonaparte. A modern example is Alberto Fujimori in Peru, who, though elected, in 1992 assumed control of legislative and the judicial branches of government, installing himself as an authoritarian ruler. The assumption of "emergency powers" by King Gyanendra of Nepal was a self-coup.


Besides Luttwak's non-military coup d’état, Samuel P. Huntington identifies three classes of coup d’état:



Breakthrough coup d’état: a revolutionary army overthrows a traditional government and creates a new bureaucratic elite. Generally led by non-commissioned officers (NCOs) or junior officers and happen once. Examples are China in 1911, Bulgaria in 1944, Egypt in 1952, Greece in 1967, Libya in 1969 and Liberia in 1980.


Guardian coup d’état: the "musical chairs" coup d’état. The stated aim of which is improving public order, efficiency, and ending corruption. There usually is no fundamental change to the power structure. Generally, the leaders portray their actions as a temporary and unfortunate necessity. An early example is the coup d’état by Sulla, in 88 B.C., replacing the elected leader Marius in Rome. A contemporary instance is the civilian Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's overthrow by Chief of Army Staff General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq in 1977, who cited widespread civil disorder and impending civil war as his justification. In 1999, General Pervez Musharraf overthrew Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on the same grounds. Nations with guardian coups can frequently shift back and forth between civilian and military governments. Example countries include Pakistan, Turkey, and Thailand. A “bloodless coup” usually arises from the Guardian coup d’état.


Veto coup d’état: occurs when the army vetoes the people's mass participation and social mobilisation in governing themselves. In such a case, the army confronts and suppresses large-scale, broad-based civil opposition, tending to fascist repression and killing, the prime example is the coup d’état in Chile in 1973 against the elected Socialist President Salvador Allende Gossens by the Chilean military, aided by the CIA.



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